Mistakes Were Made (Part Two)

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Author's Note:

Sorry for such a delay! I've been busy with moving recently and I'm in the process of changing jobs. This chapter is a little shorter than usual but I will make it up to you guys! The next one is almost finished so it will be out soon as well. Also I need help figuring out a name for Pyro if anyone would like to DM me and give me some ideas.

Now the Story

Medic's POV

The Morning 

Once back at his home, Josef threw the body of the man over his shoulder. He expected him to be much heavier but just like everything else about him, expectations fell through. It wasn't hard to maneuver him into the clinic where he threw the man on one of the few hospital beds. Off to the side, behind the curtain in the corner, a door was hidden. This was the main reason he chose this building. The morgue. It was a fairly hidden yet easily accessible area. There were plenty of ways he could use it as well. It was perfect for clinical practice or leisure. This would now be Sam's new home for the time being. 

He made sure to tie Sam's hands and feet down on the sides of the cold metal embalming table that sat in the middle of the room. He added tape around them so there was no chance for him to wiggle or pull apart the rope. A surgical light was positioned over his body. Now that everything was set ideally, Josef meticulously looked over his tray of tools. The pristine reflection put a smile on his face. He heard small movements from behind him, indicating that Sam had woken up.

"Guten Morgen, Sonnenschein. (Good morning, Sunshine.)" Josef turned and saw a look of disoriented horror; He felt a wave of exhilaration at the sight as a grin stretched across his face. "Let's practice some medicine, shall ve?"

Your POV

Your House After The Gun Shop

You sat on the couch with the gun on your coffee table, staring at it. You held your face in your hands. What should I do now? Where do I go from here? You weren't even sure if you made the right decision or not.

"Maybe Josef could help?" You said it before even thinking about it. You thought about calling him and asking for advice but you weren't sure how he would react if he knew you purchased a weapon. He seemed like a really nice person. Well, you had already bought it so what would the harm be? You tried calling him but didn't get an answer. That was fine. You can't expect him to answer every single time you called.

You decided to just put it in the drawer of the coffee table. You didn't move it far and it would be right there if you needed it.

As the light outside began to dim, you found yourself getting more and more exhausted and turned in. Tomorrow was a new day and you didn't want to start it off by feeling like you were ready to drop dead at work.

Medic's POV

Late That Night

Josef cleaned his hands of blood as Sam laid unconscious, whimpering even in his sleep. He stepped out of the morgue, locking the door up behind him. He pulled his phone out and saw a single missed call from "Liebchen" light the screen.

"Scheisse." He muttered under his breath. He looked at the time. The call had come in at least a couple hours ago. Even if he wanted to hear your voice, he knew it was more important for you to get some rest. Josef figured he ought to get cleaned up and turn in as well. He felt comforted knowing you would be safe tonight.

As he walked through his home he noticed a red dot on his calendar for tomorrow's date. A soft smile grew. "At least (Y/n) is working tomorrow. I should stop by." He managed to break down your typical working schedule and donned his calendar so he could plan around them. He also noticed you would be off this weekend. Wunderbar.

Your POV

The Morning At The Restaurant

Only a couple of the regulars stopped by the diner but it was enough to keep you busy. The place was now empty so you began to clean here and there. You bent down to clean the shelves behind the counter. Suddenly, you felt Ryleah pound her fist on your shoulder making you stand up promptly.

"What the hell was that for?!" You looked over at her perplexed, too deep in thought to even hear the front door bell. You weren't sure what she was up to.

"You weren't even going to tell me about your date? I'm hurt... truly wounded." She placed the back of her hand on her forehead in an overly melodramatic fashion. "I saw you two lovebirds at the festival."

"Wha- When did you see us? Why didn't you say hi?" You were hoping she wasn't there to see your meltdown. It was embarrassing enough that Josef was there.

"I saw the two of you getting drinks together. I didn't want to interrupt in case you guys were talking about any... private affairs." Ryleah wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. You rolled your eyes at her. "What? I'm a good friend! So tell me." She leaned in close. "Did you get lucky?"

"Oh my god! Ryleah!" You pushed her away. "This is why you're single." She laughed.

"And I prefer it that way, babe. You can't tame all of this." She did a body roll while gesturing to herself as you hid your face; You hoped no one was looking towards the two of you. She suddenly stopped what she was doing. "Speak of the devil..." Moving your hand and turning your head towards the door. "...and he shall appear." Josef was walking through the door. As he looked around the diner, you could see his sharp jawline perfectly. His eyes scanned the room before landing on you. A soft smile appeared on his face.

"Guten Morgen, Liebchen. I wanted to apologize for missing your call." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I vas working late."

"Oh! It's alright. I know it was kind of out of nowhere." You stood there awkwardly. Ryleah looked at you and then to Josef before looking back at you.

"Well, looks like I need to go in the back and uh wash something!" She gave you a big smile. She spoke in a hushed voice as she walked past you. "Don't think I'm not a good pal." She winked before slinking away.

"(Y/n)." You looked over to Josef. "Vould you like to have dinner with me? I can be the one to cook this time." He chuckled. "I have to find some way to return the favor of breakfast after all."

"That actually sounds lovely, Josef." You returned his smile. "What time should I be over?"

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