Volksfest (Part One)

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Author's Note:
First off! I'm SO sorry this took so long to get out and if there's any spelling errors. Life's been busy. I got a new position at work and I've finally been able to write more. Anyways! A Volksfest in Germany is a beer or wine festival and a travelling fair all in one. There's games, drinking, music, and rides. If you've ever been to a state fair in America it's pretty much that. This is also set in the fall time. Also, Medic will have a section that is not POV exactly but will show what he's doing if that makes sense and any German he uses will still be translated. Spy was going to be introduced but I need to set it up more for that.

Oh and PS I'm a sucker for cliche tropes.

Now The Story

It was a slow day. Well, as slow as it could be since another body had been found. Total marked two by this point. Not very surprisingly, your boss had you working alone today; at least you'd get off a tad early. No one really wanted to go out and about at a time like this. Only a few truckers stopped by throughout the day, and currently there was no one. At this rate, you wondered what the future of the diner looked like at this pace.

The bristles of your broom whisked along the tile as you caught yourself zoning out. So mundane, day in and day out. Very little changed around here... usually that is.

And yet, now there was Ludwig. And of course, the murders. How could something terrible and yet so cool happen at the same time? Your mind kept trailing back to him. His eyes, the way his hands moved, even his gait kept your brain rattling around. It was so easy to think about while you cleaned the diner- something to daydream about amidst the unusual silence.

Perhaps, you should have had the foresight to see him coming in at some point but what could you know?

"Hallo, Frau~!" He spoke with a sing-song tune as he greeted you. You nearly jumped out of your skin, and when you were met face to face, you could barely hide your thoughts as blush spread across your face.

"Oh, Dr. Ludwig!" There was an awkward pause; you hoped you didn't seem too excited to see him. "So did you come to have lunch or dinner or...? I mean, I just don't know if you just came to chat or if you've gotten groceries for your place yet. If you-" You were clearly rambling by this point, and luckily an interjection came.

"I haff actually." He shifted on his feet. "I mean that I haff bought groceries. I was just wondering if you vould like any company vhile you vere working. Your shift ends soon, correct?" He couldn't say it out loud but he loved the way you looked as he asked you. It made him feel as though he was the only guy for you. Indeed, he was the only guy for you. The only thing that was missing was for you to say that you were his.

"That would actually be great! Thank you for the offer. Its been a slow day." You tried to push your previous daydreams about him out of your head as you gestured to a seat at the bar. "No one's really been coming in today, so I actually made some coffee for myself not too long ago. If you'd like some, it's on the house, of course." He took a seat while you grabbed him his own mug from under the bar. A slight smile that you couldn't really read played on his lips. He took a seat while you grabbed him a new mug from under the bar. You took a seat next to him and continued the conversation. "You know, the surrounding towns are having a discussion about whether or not to run the Apple Festival this year. Our town definitely wants to, of course, since it's our festival... and one of the only times we get any kind of traction. We're getting a lot of pressure though from Redland mainly because our town borders them and we have to use their emergency personnel. They want it called off."

He perked up slightly. "Apple Festival? That sounds like great fun! Vhy on earth vould they cancel it?" He seemed genuinely confused.

"Well, the... Bodies. There's been two now, and they're saying they were killed in a similar way. They're starting to think they were both done by one person." You gave him a slightly concerned look. "Do you not have cable yet? I mean, there's only a few channels but it's a good way to hear what goes on around here."

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