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A message pinged on your phone. The screen lit up, drawing your attention. An involuntary smile crept up on your face. Josef's messages seemed to always make you feel better. God, this feels like a high school crush. You had to be careful though. Sam was a "high school crush" as well. Your mood immediately turned sour. He has spoiled almost every nice moment you could ever have with someone else.

You tossed your phone on the couch and walked straight towards the kitchen. The need to interact dissipated. You'd have to respond somewhat soon since you told him you would. He was courteous enough to message first anyways but you couldn't help it.

You absentmindedly opened the fridge, looking for something to eat before deciding that you definitely needed to do more shopping soon. You sighed. Maybe you would just get a shower and go to bed. The park pretty much wiped you out, so you didn't really care too much. You went upstairs, gathered your clothes from your room, and headed to your bathroom down the hall. You looked at yourself in the mirror. It was strange, it didn't feel like you were looking at yourself.

You turned the water on so that it would heat up before undressing. Testing it with your hand first, you determined it was just the right temperature and stepped in. The water felt amazing as it cascaded over you. Your thoughts washed down the drain with the rest of your worries until you heard an unfamiliar sound. The sound was a distant thud like a door closing on the first floor. Alright, no need to get too worked up. It's most likely just an animal. You debated whether or not to turn the water off.

You waited, heart pounding in your chest. The sound of the water tapping against the shower curtain was the only sound you could hear. The water began to turn cold. How long have you been standing here? You suddenly remembered your phone still sitting on the couch downstairs. One way or another you'd have to leave the bathroom. Shutting the water off brought an eerie silence. You slowly moved the curtain just enough to step out. You quickly dried off and threw on your clothes. If there was someone downstairs, you didn't really want to fight them naked.

As you crept down the stairs, you still couldn't hear anything odd. Once you could see into the living room, you found it empty. Your phone began to ring loudly causing you to startle and slip down the last few steps. You hissed through your teeth at the sudden pain.

"Who the hell is calling at this time of night?" As soon as you said that you chuckled to yourself. That was exactly what you did to Josef. Maybe it's payback. You continued to look around as you stood up and rubbed your back. It didn't seem like there was anyone in the house. Paranoid. That's what you had to be. You grabbed your phone, and wouldn't you know? It was the good doctor himself just as you thought.

"Hey, Josef." You were still a little rattled from hearing things causing your voice to sound off.

"Liebchen? Are you alright?" And now you've got him worried. This wasn't the plan at all. Not that you even had one.

"Yeah, sorry for not texting you back. I was in the shower. I thought I heard something, but it was probably just an animal. Nothing to worry about." You caught yourself from rambling on too long.

"Vould you like me to come back over? I don't mind sleeping on the couch." You were tempted to say yes. He had already been so kind today and you felt like you were almost taking advantage of him.

"No. It's okay. I just need to get some rest and I'll be fine." You began to pace around the room as you listened for his response. He was hesitant to leave you alone after what you said.

"Okay, I vill trust you. If you need me at any time, just give me a call. I vill keep my phone close." Josef shifted some papers on the other side of the phone. He must be working.

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