Mistakes Were Made (Part One)

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Author's Note

Sorry I've been gone so long! I've been going through a lot of changes in life. I do still plan on updating it will just be kind of sporadic. 

Also, Medic's thoughts will not be in German or accented like when he speaks as that would be a lot of translating for not really any reason. Still, I hope you enjoy!

Medic's POV

Earlier That Night

Josef tossed about in his bed. He couldn't get you off of his mind long enough to get any rest. It had been quite some time since he had messaged you and yet you hadn't responded back. Maybe I should check on her. He got out of bed and took his phone from the nightstand. Pacing back and forth as he clicked on your contact. The ringing drove him crazy as it continued longer than he expected. After the fourth ring he grabbed his jacket and went to put it on.

"Hey, Josef." You had finally picked up causing him to relax for a second. Hearing the tone of your voice made him slip right back into that nervous feeling.

"Liebchen? Are you alright?" He was genuinely concerned and wasn't afraid to let you know. The jacket was held tightly in his hand. 

"Yeah, sorry for not texting you back. I was in the shower. I thought I heard something, but it was probably just an animal. Nothing to worry about." After having read the letter, Josef knew that there was a good chance it was Sam and if you were this on edge then it was probably more than a little noise you heard.

"Vould you like me to come back over? I don't mind sleeping on the couch." The jacket was still in his hand as he contemplated putting it back on.

"No. It's okay. I just need to get some rest and I'll be fine." Josef waited a second before responding, not wanting to cut you off if you had more to say.

"Okay, I vill trust you. If you need me at any time, just give me a call. I vill keep my phone close." He already made up his mind and began putting his jacket on. He sifted through a few papers on his nightstand for his keys. If you weren't going to ask him to come over, he would just do it anyways so he can stay close to you.

"Thank you. I really appreciate that. I'll talk to you later." 

"Tchuss, (Y/n). Schlaf gut. (Bye, (Y/n). Sleep well.)"

"Goodnight, Josef." With that, the call came to an end. He second guessed going over. He walked aimlessly around from room to room. Once in the living room, he sat on the couch and ran his hands through his hair. He cursed under his breath. Josef realized he wouldn't get any sleep without peace of mind. Without hesitating any longer, Josef stood and briskly walked to his car.

The drive was quiet. Not another soul dared to grace the streets at this hour anymore. Not that there were that many people here anyways. It felt like forever to Josef as he drove through the darkness. Soon enough though, he finally came to the street you lived on. He kept his distance, pulling off onto a dirt road that had a "dead end" sign. He shut his lights and engine off before creeping out of his vehicle. There's a good chance no one will be coming down this way. As he stood at the main road, he looked back and verified that his car was hidden from the view of the road. Perfect.

A new moon hid in the sky, resulting in an eerie darkness sheltering anything lurking about. Josef crouched just within the tree line, wrapped in a thick dark coat. His eyes had adjusted by now to the night. A cloud of vapor swirled around as he breathed the cold air. The only light around was emitted by the windows he was so closely watching. Soon enough, he saw a figure in the window. 

Josef peered down at his watch. Three o'clock. He looked back up at the silhouette. It didn't look like you. He crept through the yard to get a better look at what he was seeing. The figure left the room as he was approaching, barring him from getting the answers he wanted. He waited underneath the window, listening carefully to the sounds from inside. It wasn't long before he began to hear heavy footsteps entering the room and what sounded like a temper tantrum of a six-year-old. Things were being thrown and crashing all around. The one thing he didn't hear was you.

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