The Wrong Guy

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Author's Note:
Yo! It's been longer than I wanted but here's another chapter. Sorry for the late release, I know you guys have been waiting a long time! Hope you enjoy!

Now The Story

You woke up before Josef. The light of the morning sun was seeping through the blinds of the window. You didn't really want to move. The warmth that he was exuding was so inviting. It made you want to cling to it for as long as you could. You stayed in that same position for a few more minutes, static playing on the television. The empty bowl of popcorn sitting on the table made your stomach growl, reminding you that you needed some actual food after your long night of activities.

You slunk out of Josef's grasp and made your way over to the small kitchen not far from the living room area you had just awoke from.

There were eggs, bread, and even some sausage that you were able to make breakfast out of. He did get groceries! At least he's not a liar.

You were able to find pans and utensils to make the meal as well. A small smile played at your lips as you looked over at him from across the kitchen bar. Man, he must be really exhausted to not wake up from all this noise over here. Not minding that, you began to cook.

As you had started preparing the eggs and the bread to go into the toaster, you heard a faint cooing from upstairs. The fuck? You quickly tried to finish the eggs, though it wasn't like they could cook any faster. At least they didn't take too long and you soon plated them and went up stairs. You found yourself immediately in Josef's bedroom. Oops... Really hope he doesn't think I'm some sort of creep...

It looked fairly normal for the most part. A bed, dresser, nightstand. Normal things, right? In the corner though, stood a bird cage. There was a white dove inside that looked at you curiously.

"Oh! Hello there!" It tilted its head back and forth at you. "Wie Gehts?" (How's it going?)" You spoke apprehensivly. The bird began to hop around on the perch, cooing happily at your words. I wonder how long he's had him. You opened the cage and allowed the bird a chance to get onto your hand. He happily took it and hopped all the way up your arm to your shoulder.

With your new cooking buddy on your shoulder, you re-washed your hands, and got back to cooking the meal. It was just the sausage left by now.

On the couch, Josef began to stir. He sat up, rubbing his face with a tired hand.

"Was-" (What-) at the sound of Josef waking up, the bird flew off of your shoulder and right where the doctor was sitting on the couch. "Ugh! Archimedes! Nein! How did you get out?" Your laugh caused Josef to cease. "Oh, vell, I see you've met meine Freundin." (My friend.) You weren't sure if he was speaking to you or the bird.

"Sorry! I let him out. I started cooking breakfast and heard him upstairs." You quickly put the sausage onto the plates. "I should have just woken you up to ask about it but I was a little curious." Archimedes flew to you in the moment.

"Ah vell, he probably just wanted someone to let him out. It's no problem." He saw how the bird rubbed its head over your cheek. "He seems to like you very much anyvays, so do not vorry about it." He rubbed the back of his neck lightly.

The room was an awkward size. It was big enough for a tv, couch, and bookshelf yet, if you put in a table and chairs it would feel crowded so in the end, you found yourself sitting on the couch with Josef after handing him his own plate.

The TV had been turned off and the two of you rested in a comfortable silence while eating. Josef soon broke the silence.

"I haff forgotten to tell you something important." He seemed somewhat serious mixed with a state of nervousness.

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