YOU DO?!? Mikasa x reader

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A/n: This is an old fic, so dont expect this to be too good, i promise my later fics are much better.

"Give it up Jean, I don't like you, and I never will, this is final." The ravenette sighed, this was the third time this week Jean confessed to Mikasa... she was so tired of it at this point, no matter how many times she told him off he kept coming back. He even had the nerve to ask her out at a place like the cafeteria and during lunchtime. Jesus, if he was going to ask her out, at the very least make sure he was in a good spot and time. Honestly if it weren't for you, she probably would've gone insane by now. You were basically the only thing keeping her from killing the man.

You, on the other hand, were pretty sure she already is insane for turning down a guy such as Jean, it was crazy to you how she could just brush him off like you could find a guy like him anywhere. I mean sure, this may be an unfortunate time to claim his feelings for her but that can be overlooked. And it's not even like she's not into guys, she definitely is, she just somehow doesn't like him. Whenever she would turn him down you die a little inside. Specifically because if a guy like Jean was being turned down, you'll never get a chance with her, and due to Jean's persistence, you are reminded of that fact quite often.

"Y/n." Mikasa called out.

"Yeah Mika?" You turned to face her. Brushing off the fact that you were thinking about her again.

"Let's go somewhere, I need to get my mind off... things'' She muttered maliciously while giving Jean a death glare. A shiver went down your spine. God, you thought, you are so lucky to be her best friend because you surely would've died on the spot if she looked at you like that.

"Sure, but what about your food?" You asked the raven haired girl.

"I lost my appetite." She sighed. Glancing maliciously at Jean.

"Well in that case, where to?" You smiled as you stood up and prepared to leave

"Nowhere in particular," She shrugged, finally diverting her attention away from the poor man.

"I just need to distract myself from a certain someone." Nevermind. You spoke too soon.

"Well then, lead the way madame" you joked with a small bow and giggled. You didn't realize, but very subtly, she blushed just a little bit to the sound of your laugh.

Mikasa decided to take a stroll down campus, you still had to go back in about 30 minutes so you couldn't really go far. It was the perfect time to go for a walk since you thought the pretty colors of autumn looked amazing this time around. This university may not be the best but you were really thankful to the founder for planting so many trees. But, of course, nothing can compare to Mikasa's beauty in your eyes. And no amount of trees or nature will replicate what you see in her. Whenever you look at her you feel like you're looking at god herself and butterflies go wild in your stomach. It was honestly really hard for you to keep your feelings a secret until now. You've caught yourself staring at her for a little too long and luckily it's always just a few moments before Mikasa catches you herself. How Mikasa has not noticed even until now was a mystery to you, although it is a relief.

But as hard as it is to keep your love for her a secret, you don't ever think you will ever confess. Mikasa is the definition of perfection, she's beautiful, smart, strong, kind, and has an amazing and interesting personality. Heck, her befriending you showed how much of an amazing person she was. But you? Well you were just... you. Nothing special, not interesting in the least, has a cliche personality and in short is just plain boring. Most people would call you a side character, a throw-away even. You don't know what she sees in you or why she ever wanted to be your friend, but she's the best thing that's ever happened to you.

As long as you live you've promised yourself that you'll do anything to see her happy, it's the least you can do when she's saved you from being lonely for the rest of your life and even introduced you to her own friends. Thanks to her you actually have people you can depend on and can trust with your life. You are indebted to her and her kindness and you strive to be of any help for her.

"Hey y/n, you okay-? you look like you're thinking pretty hard there-"Mikasa's voice snapped you out of your little mind ramble and brought you back to the present.

"Oh, I didn't notice," You said, slightly embarrassed. "..I was just- uh, just thinking how we ever became friends." Mikasa turned her face to you and had a confused look

"hm? what do you mean by that?" She inquired.

"It's just that I'm really bland and not interesting in the least, my whole personality is just... hanging out with you guys" Your tone turned sad at the last part and you sighed.

"Well first off, I approached you that day because you looked sad... and I don't really know why I befriended you either" She paused and thought for a bit "...But i'm really glad that I did because I got to have you by my side" She said as she smiled at you. Your face heated up and you unconsciously started playing with the hems of your clothes.

"I mean, so do I but you're almost perfect in every way and I don't even know how you manage to talk to me." It was Mikasa's turn to blush this time.

"It's because I really enjoy your company and I'm comfortable talking with you about just anything..." a few seconds of silence, and she continues. "And even if we weren't talking I just enjoy your presence in general."

Mikasa doesn't know what possessed her to make her say all those words out like that as shes usually very calculating and thinks about the things she says. This is so unlike her, so different yet somehow she wasn't surprised... As she always had a habit of letting loose around you and says whatever's on her mind. You on the other hand, had no idea she thought of you like that and were a mess inside due to how special that made you feel.

At this point both of you were pretty sure steam was rising from your heads due to how flustered you both were, Mikasa was as red as a tomato and you were a thread away from putting a rip in your shirt from how much you were fiddling with it.

"Oh well I- uhm... I really enjoy your presence too." Despite how you felt like you would explode right there, you somehow still managed to reply with actual coherent words.

"I would even go as far as to say that I love being with you-" You widen your eyes as a realization of what you just said. You cant believe you let those words out, you are terrified what her response will be and feel like digging a hole and never coming out.

A long pause from Mikasa, to you it felt like forever. The suspense was hell, you were standing there waiting on what could be the best words of your life of the words that will probably end your relationship with your best friend.

She starts "Y/n- I... never knew you felt that about me..." She pauses and for a second you think shes done, but she continues. "Gosh... im so dumb, i should have realized sooner, that explains so much, im so sorry i havent noticed sooner"

She stares at you for a moment with a loving look on her face, she leans in to kiss you and youre caught by surprise, your eyes widen and your face heats up even more. It was a short kiss, yet it was so full of emotion.

Mikasa pulls away from you and utters out "I love you too"

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