Fuck work Yelena x reader

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"Stop that." You sigh tiredly as you smack the hand that's been poking at you for the past few minutes. The one that belongs to none other than your precious girlfriend. The girlfriend who was sitting in your chair, hugging you like a baby koala.

Yelena pouts for a few seconds, puffing her cheeks up and furrowing her eyebrows lightly. She still continues to repeat the action again after a moment though. You glare at her, not too seriously but you hoped was just enough to get her to stop.

It does not. And it is distracting. You were supposed to be working on a big essay you needed but your big baby of a girlfriend does not relent in her poking. You'd usually find the childish action cute, but today you were stressed and really needed to cram work. Needless to say, its was getting increasingly difficult to do just that.

"When are you gonna be doneee" Yelena whines, annoyed your attention is not fully on her. She always got clingy when she was at your dorm, she mentioned it was something about your scent or something making her all soft. You never took it seriously of course, and hearing her say it bought confused looks towards her from you.

"'Lena. I said after 2 more paragraphs. Then i'll be all yours." You declare firmly. She pouts again. That stupid little pout held so much power over you, but today you needed to be strong as the essay was due soon.

"You've been working for two hours already, a little break shouldn't be a problem." She reasons out. She really is like a touch-hungry puppy, at this point you'd have no need for a dog because Yelena acted eerily close to one at times.

"And are you implying that you aren't already mine? I'm very hurt Y/n" Fake hurt feigned on Yelena's face, she unlatched from you for the first time in almost an hour to place the back of her hand on her forehead to emphasise her acting even more.

"I will smack you." You jokingly bantered, fingers swiftly clicking the keys. The poking has finally stopped for a while, and the idle chatter was actually helping you think for some odd reason.

"Ouch... first you ignore our whole relationship and then you threaten to hit me... I'm so devastated right now dont talk to me." Her acting continues, and yet her grip doesn't go slack in the slightest.

"Pff, stop hugging me first then" you chuckle softly, placing your hand on her face and pushing it away from you slightly.

"No." She replies almost too quickly. You laugh at her response, an angelic sound to Yelenas ears. She blushes softly and gazes at you, thinking about just how perfect you are. Surprisingly she found herself thankful of you working for once, because it made you not notice her adoring gaze to tease her about it.

Her body tightens around you, deepening the hug to an almost suffocating level. She exhales relaxedly, loving just basking in your presence. It hurts but its fine, you love her. You can bear not breathing for a few minutes.

A few seconds of silence and keyboard clicking pass before Yelena cuts it. "I love you." Your eyes widen in surprise, you are not used to her saying the phrase out loud. But now that she has you feel like you're going to melt. Your face feels hot, and your chest almost hurts now (out of love, not from Yelena's bone-crushing grip).

"Where'd that come from? And I love you too, you big baby." You grinned out. Both of you felt absolutely elated to be in each other's presence. It was a nice moment in your little room, comforting silence enveloping you both like a warm comfy blanket.

Eventually you finally stood up, shaking Yelena off your back and stretching your arms and groaning. Your shirt lifted slightly, giving Yelena a good view of your stomach. She pokes it, revelling in its softness.

You quickly smack her hand away as you giggle, "Hey-! Don't do that, it tickles." Your face was annoyed, but the soft smile on your face gave away your real feelings.

"Whattt? You looked cute, so I took the chance." She chuckled, clearly enjoying your reaction.

"Aghhh whatever- anyways, i'm good for today so we can go do anything you want." You yawned out quietly. Yelena got closer to you, standing up and angling you chin to make you face her.

"Heh, anything~?" Yelena smirked, eyebrows going up and down suggestively.

"Oh fuck off you perv." You playfully push away Yelena's face while grinning, making her break and get into a fit of chuckles.

She quiets down after a bit, mirroring your gleeful grin."Okay but seriously do you want to get food? Watching you work made me hungry."

"Oh my poor girlfriend, so exhausted after watching her partner work on a grueling essay. So hard on my poor Yelena, she deserves much more food than me." You dramatize, exaggerating your expressions.

"Oh well I'm going by myself then- since you know, my girlfriend doesn't appreciate my efforts." Yelena shrugs as she starts moving towards the door.

"Hey I didn't say any of that! Stop im coming with you-" You rush to be by her side, smacking her arm lightly. Pouting while looking at her.

"Heh, that's what I thought, so where do you want to go?"

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