General Yelena Headcanons

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-Despite her looks shes actually just a softy. Many people would think otherwise but seriously show this woman some love shed do anything for you.

-Cold ass feet. Youre just trying to sleep but you get assaulted by her freezing toes. They literally feel like ice cubes against your legs.

-Really resilient against the cold. Its her Russian roots I swear. Wait, yeah thats an hc too,

-Shes russian. Speaks to you in it sometimes, maybe just the pet name here and there. Makes you melt each and every time.

-If she was a dog she'd be a borzoi. You know those long and lanky ass dogs that were being memed in tiktok for a while? Yeah, those guys.

-On the topic of pets, i already posted something about this before but i totally see her having a rat with an unsettlingly human name like gertrude or something.

-The things I would sacrifice to hear this woman's morning voice LORDD. Like shes just so groggy and disoriented but she gives you a soft smile and talks to you in that deep raspy voice... my knees are buckling.

-She doesnt like talking a lot in the mornings, sadly. She needs a few minutes to feel ready to talk, but dont worry, youll still hear the morning voice, just gotta wait a while for it. It's fully worth it, promise.

-Okay but you gotta be ready if you want to hear it because this woman wakes up at the asscrack of dawn.

-Huge morning person, makes her feel productive. She sleeps at like 9 pm and is grumpy if you make her stay awake for much longer.

-Shes a loner. This woman is such a loser.

-Okay no she has that charisma and knows how to get what she wants but she doesnt have a lot of actual friends, she thinks of most people as good acquaintances at best.

-Definitely uses you as an armrest when youre standing. Its the rules.

-Huge fucking romantic but is SO awkward abt it its so cute.

-Brings you flowers and shes so flushed when she gives them.

-"Uh, here you go-" She hands you the flowers and gazes at you with so much affection and at your happy expression. It actually hurts how much she loves you.

-Not a huge fan of pda, but will indulge you if you feel especially touchy.

-That being said, loves randomly holding you in her arms when you two are just standing there. Like, waiting in a line or something? Her head is resting atop yours and her arms are around you.

-She has icebear from we bare bears vibes dont ask me why she just does

A/n: Hey guys its not a oneshot but im alive I swear

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