Be my partner forever? - Hange x reader

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A/n: Hey guys, im not dead i swear. The fics ive been posting have been for some different fandoms and not on wattpad so that explains the lack of updates here. Reqs are still open and if you want you can check out my tumblr where im more active! The same username as here, i hope to see you guys there!

"Y/n! Glad to see you arrived." Hange greeted cheerfully as they ushered you in their apartment. It smelled faintly of cinnamon and spruce. The place was nice and homey and looked unexpectedly clean. No offense to your lab partner but they didnt exactly seem like the most organized person.

"Of course id come, we're partners in this project after all." You smiled. You were happy when Hange invited you over for your project. They were a joy of a partner to have, and youve always admired them. Being invited to their house felt like a new step in your friendship, even though it was just for school reasons.

"Here, lets go to my room so we can discuss and research everything that we need. I already did a little bit of research myself beforehand though, so everything we need should be spread out on my floor." You nodded in affirmation while still surveying your surroundings.

The place seemed very lived in, in a good way. Small knick-knacks littered the surfaces. you were willing to bet that almost each of them had a little story, and that Hange would love to ramble about all of them.

Youve harbored a crush for your eccentric classmate for a while now, and everytime they got excited about something its never failed to make you feel the same excitement they have about whatever it is that they were talking about.

"Here we are, sorry if its a little messy, ive been preoccupied with getting everything we needed." They sheepishly smiled.

"Its fine, theres no need to apologize especially because it really isnt even all that messy." You could swear they just let out a breath as you said that.

You made your way to their bed and promptly sat down. You opened your phone to check the details of your project and showed them to Hange. They were sat on the floor and hummed in acknowledgement.

"So, we need to get this vial..." It only took a second for you to find what you were looking for because all the materials were neatly labeled with easy to see stickers.

You could help but comment on their almost out of character neatness. "Wow, these are all very organized! I wish my stuff were this neat."

"Haha, well i wanted my things to look nice since you were visiting. These chemicals usually arent labeled and i just figure things as i go–" They picked up a beaker and swirled it around as if for emphasis.

They then held an almost embarrased smile. "Heh, and well, that may play a part as to why my glasses are so heavy duty... they explode on me– a lot–"

You giggled softly. "Really? What kind of substances do you experiment with so often where they explode that much?"

They awkwardly chuckled as they averted your gaze. "If I told you youd probably leave."

"Aw, you should know that some chemicals wont just magically make me leave, but i wont press in the issue. Id gladly stay ignorant if i could continue to be with you." You chuckled as you sit down beside them and put your hand on their shoulder.

They heat up at the contact and at your words.

They cleared their throat. "Well then– we should uh, start soon yeah?"

"Oh yeah! Sorry, lets start" You looked down to the vial in your hands and tried to remember what to do next.

"I think we mix a few drops of that with this stuff" They held up a beaker so you could see the label.

"Oh yeah! Then the result should be the first common solution for everything else right?"

"Yep! Exactly!" They excitedly chirped.

Time flew by fast as the both of you worked together. Hange already knew all the steps beforehand, but they kept asking you questions and let you do things throughout because you were absolutely adorable when you enthusiastically answered sonething you knew about.

You didnt notice or mind all the questions, even though they were supposedly the smartest kid in class. You were just happy the both of you spending time together.

Hanges hands brushed with yours several times, and almost always it causes them to jolt a little. They cant help it, years of pining can have detrimental effects on a person. Everytime you get something wrong and sheepishly laugh, they find that all they want to do is kiss you and tell you its alright. They find themselves settling with just the latter, as difficult as it is. And every time you thank them for something, the try their hardest not to squeal and roll around the floor in happiness.

Before the both of you knew it, you were almost finished with the project. The sky was already dark yet neither of you wanted this moment to end.

"So, after we do this, we should be done! Working with you has been such a pleasure, I hope youre my lab partner again in the future!"

"I agree! Hell, you should be my lab partner forever, since we both love working with each other so much." Their eyes widened as they realized the implications of what they said. They quickly scrambled to fix that, they didnt want you to have the wrong idea. Saying that was dumb, they should stop just saying everything that came to mind. Their mind was racing as they spoke.

"Well– i mean, uh, as long as school allows it because, obviously being lab partners forever is just quite impossible and i dont think wed even know each other for that long, i mean not that i dont want to but im just saying and uhh..." Their words stopped in their throat as they felt your hand holding theirs.

"No, I think forever sounds good" You smiled at them as you intertwined your hands together. A newfound confidence has found you. And you were going to make the most of it.

"We could work on something friday night, around... 5pm? Is that okay for you?"

"What– I mean yes! Yes of course im good at that time! Im good whenever!" Their words were failing them, but words really could not show their enthusiasm for your proposition.

"Great! I like the aspect of us working together, and i would like for it to be forever, i also would like to stay close with you forever."

Hange was a blushing mess and couldnt believe their ears. Were you saying you like them?

They never would have expected this in a thousand years, they were fully expecting you just go on with your life and they would just watch quietly by the side. But your were saying you wanted to be together. With them.

Its almost like a dream come true to them. They could only stare at you wide-eyed as you smiled at them.

After staring at each other for what felt like hours, stood up to stretch.

"I think i have to go now, this has been a great day with you, im hoping we will have many more moments like this in the future." You winked as put emphasis on the 'many', letting their imagination run wild.

"Uh– yeah... same here."

And with that, you got your bag and left Hange a flustred, blushing mess. Oh how they could not wait for friday.

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