2- byler

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3rd person POV ———

Nancy woke up mike to get ready for his flight. So he got up and went to the bath room he showered brushed and washed his face. He came out of the bathroom into his room and changed in a dark green short crew neck shirt and dark blue shorts. He grabbed his suitcase and phone and put it in the car. He went back to eat some pancakes. He finally finished and went to his room. He checked if he was missing anything. He saw his charger so got it and left and closed the door behind him. He said goodbye to his parents and went to Nancy's car. Then they drove off.

Few hours later

Mike had finally landed and got off he went to the bag check out and did whatever. Will came up to him and hugged him from behind and said "missed you mike" mike replied back by saying "I missed you too baby" as he picked up his suit case from the thingy (I don't know anything about an airport so don't judge me 😭🖕) and put it on the floor and turned around to will hugged him then kissed his cheek. Will held his hand while walking to the rest of them. Mike side hugged el. Mike already knew Argyle from wills description on his letter to mike. They said there hellos and left the airport. They went to Argyle's van and went to the Byers house. Will grabbed mike stuff and went upstairs with mike. He put it beside his closet. Mike was sitting on will bed as will say next to him kisses him on the lips. Mike kissed back passionately then they made out for a minute or 2. Will pulled away first and giggled. "What can we do here" mike says "I don't know maybe go to the park". Sure says mike as they stand up. Will goes down stairs and mike follows him. "I'm gonna make my self a sandwich want one" "no thanks" " u sure you haven't ate" " I'm not that hungry i ate a orange" ok will says as mike walks to the living room. No one was there because el was out with her real new friends and Johnathan with Argyle van on purple palm tree delight. Mike sat down while will
Made his Nutella and peanut sandwich. "Is that Nutella and peanut!" Mike says grossed out. "YES IT GOOD" mike makes gagging noises "try before you deny" will says "ok give me a bite then" will goes to the living room and sits on the couch. Will let's mike take a bite. Mike takes a long time to process then mike nods like he thinks it actually kinda good. "That not bad actually" "SEEE" will says. Will finally finish's his food and they put there shoes on. Mike opens the door let's will go first and closes the door behind him. "Okayy gentleman" mike chuckles while kissing will. Will kisses back. They pull away and hold hands on the way to the park which isn't that far away. They arrive to the park and go on the swings. "This gives me memories" "what.." "when we first met you dumbass" ohhh says mike dragging the O. They talk a little then walk to the ice cream shop near the park. "Can we have 2 L cookie dough Ice creams please" will says politely. Mike walks off to the bathroom to piss obviously. He comes back to see will having his ice cream in his left hand so he walks to him and sits down. Will was zoned out so mike kisses his cheek. Will gets flustered and gives mikes ice cream to him. "You look so pretty in the light" will blushes and says "thank you mike you do to" they had finished their ice cream already so they kiss calmly for few seconds and pull away. "I think we should go back home before it turns dark" ok mike says while will gets up. Then mike gets up they walk back home hand in hand. Good thing it's not homophobic here. They get home and go upstairs and don't eat because they just had ice cream. Will changes and mike just took off his shirt because he had shorts on. They both climbed in bed after they brushed there teeth. Will kisses mike and he kisses back passionately then they make out for few minutes before stopping. Will plays Apocalypse (I tagged it up there) to fall sleep. Will turns around so mike can put his arm around him and spoon him. They fall asleep to the soft calming music.

778 words
That's it omg 800 words thats actually a lot I hope you guys like it I think most of these or all of the these will be them already together because I just love when there together it just better because it annoying just wait 39 chapters just together on the last chapter like what's the point. Don't mind that I just ranted about that. Ok love you byeee <33333 💙💛💙💛💙

-Maxine <3

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