stanbrough -5

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this is my best written book i did some research how to be a good writer !

Eddie Kaspbrak walks into the Uris living room to see a very angry Stan attacking a terrified Richie with a pillow.

"What the fuck-" Eddie asks over their shouting.

"You were being a pussy so I gave you a little push" Richie cried out. Stan whacked him in the face sending his glasses flying.

"Oh I'll show you a push-" Stan says as he pummels Richie. Richie curls into a ball on the ground as Stan continues to attack him.

"Eds help me please?" Richie pleads.

"What happened?" Eddie asks.

"Richie mailed the fucking letter to Bill" Stan yells.

Ten minutes later Bill Denbrough walks into the living room to see both Eddie and Stan attacking Richie.

"E-eddie Stan, why're you beating R-rich with pillows?" he asks shrugging his backpack off his shoulder and lying it against the wall as he slides his shoes off.

Stan drops the pillow and looks at Bill. Eddie turns and does the same. Richie quickly jumps up and grabs his glasses before running over to Bill.

"Thank god Bill you saved me," he says using Bill as a barrier to shield himself from his angry friends.

Stan and Eddie are silent trying to think of some excuse.

"Wh-whatever" Bill says stepping away from Richie and walking into the main room.

"S-sorry I'm late I fell as-sleep"

Stan nods, out of breath. "

"No problem," he says picking up the pillows and repositioning them on his couch. Eddie glares at Richie as the four walk up the stairs to Stanley's room.

It wasn't unusual for the losers club to have sleepovers, but the four rarely had them with just each other anymore.

They all make themselves comfortable around Stan's room, Richie avoiding eye contact with anyone but Bill. Eventually, Bill says something.

"Okay wh-what the fuck did you do Rich?" he asks.

"Hey!" Richie responds sounding hurt. "Why would you assume I did something?"

"I don't know m-maybe it's because I walked in t-to Eddie and St-stan attempting to murder you w-with cushions," Bill says.

Richie looks to Eddie and Stan for support but they both shake their heads.

Richie sighs. "I told them dogs were better than cats-which they are by the way- and they flipped out on me"

Bill looks skeptical but doesn't question it. "Dogs are better," he says looking at Eddie and Stan. Stan smiles at him and some tension is released.

"Whatever" Eddie says turning his attention to Stan's t.v. Stan begged his parents for years to let him have his own t.v. and they finally caved on his fifteenth birthday.

"You guys want to watch a movie?" Eddie asks the group. They all mumble their agreements as Eddie turns on Disney Plus.

"Disney Plus?" Richie asks. "What are we four?"

Two hours later Richie is the only one crying at the ending of Big Hero 6.

"Oh come on you baby it wasn't that sad" Eddie says rubbing Richie's back as tears silently stream down his face.

"Tadashi" Richie chokes out.

Stan and Bill exchange glances holding back their laughter. It had made Stan sad and he assumed because Bill was an older brother him even sadder but neither were really affected by it so much as Richie.

Stan turns the t.v. off and turns on his lamp before flicking off the light switch.

"Come on let's just go to sleep," he says. Richie wipes his face with the sleeve of his hoodie.

"Noooo" he whines. "Let's go somewhere"

Stan rolls his eyes. He looks toward Bill who shrugs.

"Wh-what is there to do besides g-go to th-the gas station?" he asks.

Stan shrugs back but eventually, Richie convinces them and they're all throwing their shoes on to walk outside.

It's chillier than Stan had expected but he's not too cold. Eddie is however and accepts Richie's hoodie. The hoodie was a bit big to begin with but on Eddie looked absolutely huge.

"Are you c-cold Stan?" Bill asks turning toward him. Stan blushed and hoped that Bill couldn't tell through the dark.

"Kinda but I'm fine-" he started. Bill was already halfway done with taking his hoodie off before Stan could finish. Stan smiled and took Bill's hoodie pulling it over his head.

"Thanks," he said smiling. Bill smiled back.

"No problem"

The four boys reached the gas station and began wandering the aisles. No one else was there so they were free to shop whatever they'd like. On their twenty-dollar budget of course. Eventually, they all got milkshakes and some gummy worms and decided that was enough.

They walked back toward Stan's house sipping their cold drinks despite the already cool autumn air.

"Not to be gay or anything" Richie starts turning toward Eddie. "But you wanna cuddle when we get back?"

Eddie laughs. "Richie you're gay"

Richie frowns. "Is that a no?" Eddie rolls his eyes.

Stan looks over to Bill who is already looking at Stan. They both look away and blush. By the time they reach Stan's house they're all freezing and decided to just finish their drinks and go to sleep. Stan and Bill share the couch and Richie and Eddie sleep on sleeping bags on the floor. They always rotate between who gets the couch but none of them ever take Stan's room because they decided it wouldn't be fair since there was only one bed.

"Goodnight Stan" Bill whispers.

"Night" Stan whispers back smiling.

Richie and Eddie have already passed out on the floor, holding each other in their arms. Stan finds himself a bit jealous that that isn't him and Bill.

Bill wakes up feeling the warmth of someone's arms wrapped around his waist. He smiles and opens his eyes to see Stanley's curly hair resting on his chest. He vaguely remembers Stan getting up last night and falling asleep on him, but he assumed it was sleepwalking. He holds Stan for a bit longer, then slowly slides out from underneath him and leaves him lying on the couch. He stands up and walks over toward the kitchen. Maybe Stan would never love him the way he hoped but for now he was fine with just the thought that Stan had been the one to write the letter.

1069 words


-Maxine <3

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