Lumax- 6

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sorry i didn't post i was staying over at a friends house.

8:36 AM Maxs POV

Monday mornings working at a coffee shop are the worst. "Next!" I yelled as a tired looking girl slumped away with the biggest size of latte we offer. A boy walked up. He was tall, but then again I'm not exactly a skyscraper myself. He had a lazy smile and toffee eyes that made me almost collapse against the counter.

"Hi," he smirked at me, before quietly saying, "I'll have a number 11 please. With extra whipped cream. And marshmallows"

As I typed his order into our system. I chuckled. "Didn't pin you as an extra-large hot chocolate kind of guy." He looked up in surprise, his eyes crinkled at the corners. "Oh, does it not go with the whole, tired college

basketball player aesthetic?" "If I'm being honest," I whispered, "no."

"Look," he started, "when my drink is done, can you read it as a different drink. Like a black coffee" "Right, no milk, no sugar." I tried not to laugh.

"Yes, that's great. Perfect." He smiled and looked relieved but as my intrigued look persisted, he sighed and explained. "It's really awkward being that grown man who orders a hot chocolate because he can't bare the taste of coffee. And some of the guys on my team might be here. Oh god I would never hear the end of it."

I giggled once more. "What's your name?"

"Lucas." he replied. An attractive name for an attractive boy. "And you're Max"

"Stalker!" I screamed, causing half the population of The Upside-Down Coffee Shop to turn and stare at me. "It's literally written on your badge!" Lucas responded defensively. Fine.

"Okay, one large black coffee for Lucas."

When the coffee was done, I placed it on the counter with a wink. Oh, and my phone number. He was nice,

what more can I say?

And with one last chuckle, he was gone.

Sunday mornings waking up next to someone you love are the best. Looking over the table at him, a moustache of hot chocolate and whipped cream around his upper lip, his toffee eyes intriguing and deep. Feeling completely and utterly whole for the first time ever as you eat the food he made you and looking

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-Maxine <3

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