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Eddie stifled a yawn as he climbed into his sleeping bag, which was next to Richie. Richie had already crawled into his sleeping bag and was laying down with his arms under his head, looking at Eddie expectantly.

"What?" Eddie said defensively when he saw that Richie was watching him.

"Nothing, Eds," Richie replied with a grin. "Just waiting on you to come to sleep. This is a sleepover, after all." "Yeah, I'm aware of that, 'Chee," Eddie said irritably as he threw his sleeping bag's blanket over himself and lay down. He turned to face Richie, who was grinning at him. "Something on your mind, Rich?"

Richie's face faltered slightly, but it quickly morphed into his usual smiling self.

"Nope, it's just been a while since we've had a sleepover with all The Losers like this. I've missed it, Eds."

"Well, thank goodness Bev is in town for a week then, otherwise we wouldn't have all been able to get together." "Yeah," Richie said absently as he lay down properly in his sleeping bag and turned to face Eddie. "I'm glad that we're all here together. But I also miss just having sleepovers with just you, Eds."

"Don't call me that," Eddie said, grinning in spite of himself. "And yes, I miss our sleepovers, too. Maybe we can have one next week."

"I'd like that, Eddie Spaghetti. I know you need me to help protect you against the nightmares you always have."

"Oh, shut up, asshole!" Eddie snarled as he lightly slapped Richie on the arm. Richie feigned a severe injury, which caused Eddie to giggle.

"You slay me, Edward Spaghedward!"

"If you two don't shut the fuck up over there I'm going to come over and kick both of your asses," said Bev in a tired voice.

Richie and Eddie grinned at each other and silently chuckled before Richie shouted back at Bev.

"Sorry, Beverly, darling. We'll try to keep it down."

"You'd better unless you want a firm kick in the ass!"

"Come on, Beverly, you know only Eddie's mom is allowed to kick my ass. And I must say, it sure as hell turns me on." "Beep, beep, fuckwad," said Stan irritably. "And go the fuck to sleep."

"Certainly, Staniel!" Richie said as he dramatically lay back down on his sleeping bag, turning to face Eddie again, who was grinning at him.

"Seriously, though, we probably should get some sleep," Eddie whispered. "Don't want to be tired all day tomorrow while we hang out."

"You got that right, Eds. I'll see you in the morning, my love."

"Shush!" Eddie said.

"Oh fuck, Eddie!" Richie shouted as Eddie seemed to disappear in the floor. "Eddie! Where'd you go?"

"Now, now, Richie, you know the rules," said a terrifying voice that Richie recognized instantly. He shut his eyes in an attempt to convince himself that it was all fake. "You're not supposed to feel that way about the other boys. And what will happen when dear Eddie discovers your secret? He'll leave a disgusting faggot like you!"

"Fuck you, you piece of shit asshole clown! We killed you! You're not real! You're just in my head!" "Maybe. But those feelings you have about Eddie are real and you know he'll leave you as soon as he finds out!"

"NO! Get out of my head! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!"

Richie woke up with a gasp and immediately sat up in his sleeping bag. He was breathing heavily and could feel sweat all over his face. He glanced around and saw that everyone else was still asleep, meaning he hadn't been yelling in his sleep like he thought he was. Sighing in relief, Richie shook himself out of his sleeping bag as quietly as he could and stood up, stretching. He tiptoed through the living room, avoiding stepping on any of friends, before he picked up his pace and walked into the kitchen. He turned on the light and reached into the cabinet for a glass. He filled the glass with water and gulped it down quickly before refilling the glass.

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