A Visit From Ethan

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Alice's P.O.V

It's been one month since I've had to stay inside. Linda and Joseph always felt guilty when they went out because I wasn't aloud to. I didn't want to be the one to ruin their fun so I always let them go. It worked out because I could stay with Ethel and watch Heather when the married couple didn't take her with them. Laura came by sometimes to keep me company. Sometimes Ethan and Carrie would stop by. Tonight, however, I was alone with the children. Ethel was sleeping beside and Heather was drawing a picture. I was planning out Ethel's first birthday party. It was finally December which meant it was the time of month of Christmas joy. Of coarse it had special meaning to me because Ethel was born this month. Heather came up to me holding the picture she drew. 

"Auntie! Look what I drew!" Heather said. I picked her up and set her on my lap.

"It's lovely Heather! Whose all in the picture?" I asked

"Mommy, daddy and you. That's Ethel and me" Heather said as she pointed out who was who.

"It's very good. You'll have to show mommy and daddy when they get home" I said. Heather nodded and went back to the table, where she continued to draw. I went back to planning as the phone rang. I answered.

"Hello. This is the residence of Joseph and Linda Anderson. This is Alice speaking" I said

"You would have been a perfect secretary for Brian" I heard Paul say

"Thanks Paul. What are you calling about" I asked

"I just wanted to talk to you. I miss hearing your voice" Paul said

"Aww Paul. I miss hearing yours too" I said

"What are you doing right now?" Paul asked

"Well Linda and Joseph are out on a date. I'm watching Ethel and Heather" I said

"Oh yeah, you told me Joseph and Linda got married" Paul said

"Yep. Linda's almost two months pregnant. I hope she has a boy" I said

"Yeah?" Paul asked

"Yeah because she's naming him after me. Alex Anderson" I said

"What if they have a girl?" Paul asked

"She'd be Josie. I picked out the names" I said

"You pick the best names. It's Ethel's birthday this month, isn't it?" Paul said

"It sure is. I'm trying to plan it now" I said

"I wish I was there" Paul said

"I wish you were too" I said

"I miss you so much" Paul said

"I miss you too. We'll see each other again soon. Just have to wait this month and then next month" I said. I heard a knock on the door.

"Someone's at the door. I have to go" I said

"Ok. I'll talk to you soon, love" Paul said

"Ok. I love you" I said

"I love you too" Paul said. I hung up the phone and went to go answer the door. To my surprise, it was Ethan. He didn't look all that happy.

"Hi Alice. Can I come in?" Ethan asked. I nodded and Ethan stepped inside.

"What's going on?" I asked as I followed Ethan into the kitchen. He pulled out a cigarette.

"Is it ok if I smoke in here?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah, just let me open a window" I said. I opened the window then Ethan lit the cigarette he had in his mouth. He leaned against the counter. I joined him.

"You want one?" Ethan asked, handing me a cigarette. I nodded and took it. I put it in my mouth and he lit it for me. 

"What's got you so down?" I asked

"It's Carrie. She's been so distant lately" Ethan said

"Is she ok?" I asked

"I wouldn't know. She hasn't been talking that much lately. I think maybe she's just stressed you know. She's getting ready for a big show in New York" Ethan said

"That's good" I said

"It is. I just don't trust her dance instructor" Ethan said

"What do you have against her dance instructor?" I asked

"He gets handsy with her. Even when I'm right there in front of them" Ethan said

"I'm sure he's handsy with all his dance students, I mean helping them with their form. Isn't that what a dance instructor does?" I said

"He isn't as handsy with his other students like he is with Carrie. I think she likes it" Ethan said, taking an angry puff of his cigarette. 

"Now their going to New York together. What if they end up having sex with each other?" I said. I took one last puff of my cigarette before putting it out. I put my hand on Ethan's arm.

"Carrie loves you. She won't sleep with him if she does" I said. Ethan smiled and then put out his cigarette.

"Thanks Alice. It seems these days I don't trust her as much as I should. I don't even think I love her as much as I did" Ethan said

"Why would that be?" I asked

"I think I may be falling in love with someone else" Ethan said

"Who is this lucky girl?" I asked

"I've only known her for a month. I connect with her well and I can tell her anything. Oh, and she isn't a red head" Ethan said

"Who is she?" I asked

"You'll have to find out yourself" Ethan said. Heather came into the kitchen.

"Auntie! I want to show you another picture!" Heather said

"Okay Heather, I'll be right there" I said. Heather ran back into the living room.

"Is she Linda's daughter?" Ethan asked

"Yep" I said

"You can tell. I think I better get going. You film tomorrow, right?" Ethan asked

"I do" I said

"Ok. I'll see you tomorrow" Ethan said. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled before leaving. I went back into the living room.


I fell asleep on the couch, with Martha laying by my feet. I woke up when the I heard the door closed. I looked and saw that it was Linda and Joseph.

"You two are home late" I said

"We're sorry about that" Linda said

"No worries" I said

"Did the kids and Martha cause you any trouble" Joseph asked

"Nope. They were good. The kids are in bed and as you can tell, I fell asleep with Martha" I said

"I'm going to go upstairs and get ready for bed" Joseph said

"I'll be up there shortly" Linda said. Joseph quickly kissed Linda before heading upstairs.

"What did you do today?" Linda asked

"Paul called today. Then Ethan came over" I said

"Did he now?" Linda asked

"Yeah. He said Carrie has been distant lately and that she's going to New York. Also, Ethan says he's falling in love with someone else" I said

"That's what I'm afraid of" Linda said

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"Oh, it's nothing. I'll talk to you in the morning, alright?" Linda said before heading upstairs. I don't know what she was so worried about. Ethan falling in love isn't a bad thing. It's not like it's with me, is it?

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