The Wedding

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Alice P.O.V

It was that day. My wedding day. I was in the bedroom of my parent's home getting my hair prepped. Annie and Frank took turns brushing it. When ever Annie would brush it, she would be gentle but then when Frank brushed it, it was torture. 

"Oww" I said as Frank ran the brush through my hair.

"Sorry Alice. I'm done" Frank said. I ran my fingers through my silky, smooth hair. My mom came in carrying the hair pin she used at her wedding. She shooed off Annie and Frank, taking her place behind me. I watched in the mirror as mom put my hair up. She hummed with concentration as she put the pin in my hair.

"You're finally ready Alison" mom said. I could almost hear her trying to hold back tears. I got up from the chair I was sitting in. My dad entered my room.

"The limousine is outside. Oh, Alison. You look so beautiful" my dad said. He was about to cry.

"Please nobody start crying until the wedding starts or I'm gonna start crying. Annie did such a good job with the make up. I don't want it ruined" I said. Both mom and dad nodded. They kissed each other before mom made her way downstairs.

"Is anybody else riding with us" dad asked.

"Let me think. Cynthia and Jane are meeting us there as well as the boys and their manager. That means that Florence and Henry are coming with us" I said. My dad nodded.

"Ok then. We should get going then. You don't want to be late for your own wedding" dad said.

"No I do not" I said. My dad took my hand and led me downstairs. 


We got to the church. I saw some people outside making their way into the church. My dad opened the door of the limousine and got out followed by mom, gram, papa, Annie, Frank, Henry and Florence. I was the last one to come out with Florence helping because the dress was so poofy.

"Thank you Flora" I said.

"It's no problem Alice. I'l meet you inside ok" Florence said. I nodded and she followed everyone into the church. My dad waited with me since he was the one who was going to give me away.

"I'm just going to check if everything is all set up ok?" dad said.  I nodded and dad walked into the church. I took a deep breath and smoothed out my wedding gown. After a minute my dad came out and nodded. I smiled at him and hooked his arm with mine. We walked towards the church.

"I'm nervous dad" I said

"Everything will be fine, sweetie. I was feeling the same way during your mom and I's wedding" dad said. I looked up at him and smiled. As I took my first step into the church, I could feel every bodies eyes on me. All of my family was there, just like on my birthday. I looked at the front of the church and saw Florence, Cynthia and Jane standing in a line. I caught Cynthia's eyes and she winked at me. I looked the other way and saw Joseph's two brothers and his cousin. I finally got to the front so my dad left to go sit with my mom. I looked at them and smiled. I looked on the opposite sight of the isle. Sitting in the front were John, Paul, George and Ringo. With them was a man, who I assumed was their manager. I locked eyes with Paul for a moment and he winked at me. I smiled and faced Joseph. The minister took his place beside us.

"Please join hands" he said. Joseph and I did as he said.

"We are gathered here today to join together, the lives of Alison Grace Martinez and Joseph Alexander Anderson. I will now have Joseph repeat after me" the minister said. He faced Joseph, who told Joseph what to say and he repeated. The minister faced me.

"Alison, please repeat after me" the minster said. I repeated the vows after the minister.

"May I have the rings please?" the minister asked. Frank came up to us, holding a cushion that had the rings on them. Joseph took my ring.

"With this ring I wed" he said as he slipped it on my finger. I took Joseph's ring.

"With this ring I wed" I said as I slipped it on his finger. We joined hands again. The minister spoke again.

"I now give you Joseph and Alison Anderson. You may now kiss the bride". Joseph and I locked lips with each other and the whole church cheered. 


I was eating at a table which my mom, dad, Joseph and I sat. Joseph kept trying to kiss me every chance he got and I would usually kiss back. My plate was soon empty and I went off to get more food.

"I'm going to go get more food" I said as I got up. I gave Joseph a quick kiss.

"I'll miss you" Joseph said

"I'll miss you too" I said. I walked by the table which the boys were seated at along with Cynthia and Jane. I quickly locked eyes with Paul. He winked at me. 

"Congratulations!" I heard John call out.

"Thank you!" I shouted in response. I finally made it to the food table. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned my head to see Paul and the man that had been sitting with the boys earlier.

"Hi Paul. Is this your manager?" I said

"Yes. Alice this Brian Epstein" Paul introduced.

"Well then it's nice to finally meet you" I said as I held out my hand. Brian kindly shook it.

"It's nice to meet you too Alice. Paul talks about you all the time" Brian said. I looked at Paul who just smirked at me. 

"Congratulations on the marriage Alice. I hope we can talk again sometime" Brian said before walking away. I looked back at the food when I felt Paul run his hand up and down my bare arm. He put his other arm around my waist.

"Not in public especially at my wedding" I said.

"Then let's go find some privacy" Paul whispered in my ear. I looked around making sure no one saw or could see us for that matter. I then took Paul's hand and we made our way to the back of the church, without being seen. Luckily no one was there. I quickly attached my lips with Paul and we had a deep and passionate kiss. We pulled away for a moment and pressed our foreheads together.

"You don't know how beautiful you look" Paul said before kissing me again. We kissed for about a minute until a voice interrupted us.

"Alice, why are you and Paul kissing each other?" the voice asked.

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