The beginning.

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A man walked along the streets as rain heavily poured down on him and his surroundings. The man seemed too be in his mid 20s probably was 26. He was listening too music as he arrived too a bus stop sitting on the bench and waiting for it too arrive. He checked his watch realizing he was way too early. "Fuck." The man swore under his breath. He had a heavy German accent. He decided too wait until the bus arrived playing games on his phone too pass the time. He didnt know how much time went by though as when he looked up a man stood infront of him. The man was dressed in some sort of security uniform but it was purple..? Strange.. "Hello sir?" the man said looking up at the person before him. "Hello there pal!  What may your name be?" The man dressed in purple questioned him. He was hesitant too answer too the stranger but what was the worse that could happen?? He could defend himself and besides what if this guy becomes his new drinking pal or something? "Owen" he answered still looking up too the man. "Well nice meeting you Owen! I need some help bringing some boxes out of a place I work at.. mind helping?" The man asked still looking down at Owen. The bus was still a half hour away and he had nothing else too do but just sit there so it wouldn't hurt too help the poor guy out. "Sure! Lead the way!" Owen said as the man in purple grinned. "Great!" He said leading him too a building that led too an elevator shaft. They entered the elevator which began taking them down..

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