The Others

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When Freddy and Foxy left the room 3- 2 and half other animatronics stood before him. "WHAT DID WE TELL YOU GUYS ABOUT THE SCOOPER ROOM?? YOU IDIOTS ARE ALWAYS GETTING INTO TROUBLE!" A small blue rabbit with no legs yelled at them. Freddy and Foxy stood there blankly unsure of what too do. Freddy felt pretty angry though. He was unsure why.. "Cut them some slack bon bon! You know there both numbskulls!" A green eyed pigtailed clown said too the rabbit. Being called a numbskull just made freddy feel more angry?? What was this feeling?? Robots werent even suppose too have feelings! Either the person who built this was hella smart or having a soul lets him feel things. But why was he getting angry so easily?? It was strange.. "Yeah but these two IDIOTS are always getting in some form of trouble!" Freddt had enough. "LISTEN WERE NOT THAT STUPID YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES! WE WERE JUST CURIOUS! OF COURSE YOU WOULDNT KNOW THAT TYPE OF FEELING BECAUSE YOUR JUST DEAD INSIDE COLD ROBOTS! I BET YOU ME AND FOXY IS SMARTER THEN ALL OF YOU COMBINED!" Freddy snapped at them. Everyone stared at them blankly. Most confused but the clown seemed too know what was going on In Freddys none existent mind. The clown stood there observing Freddy quite calm about this situation. "Mind If we talk Freddy?" The clown said gesturing Freddy toward another stage room.

"Till Death Does Us Apart" -FNAF AUWhere stories live. Discover now