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The human possessed bear ran from room too room before finding another animatronic much like the one that killed him and was now possessing look around confused. It was a pink and white fox and looked like it was In terror. When the fox noticed he was being stared at he stared back at the bear. ".." The fox kept staring but then began screaming and the bear began screaming back confused and scared. "AAAAAAAH! YOUR ONE OF THOSE MUDEROUS ROBOTS I HEARD ABOUT!" "YOU ARE TOO!" "WHO ARE YOU??" WHO ARE YOU??" "AAAAAH!" AAAAAAAAHH!!" This kept on until they were panting and coughing from the screaming. After the two idiot regained there voices they stared at each other a bit more before the fox began too speak up. "WHO ARE YOU??" The bear decided too look around too see if he could find anything too help. He couldnt just tell this robot his name! He had too play along as being one of them or else he couldn't imagine what would happen. He spotted a poster of the bear he was possessing words on it spelt out the bears name. "Im.. Funtime Freddy..??" He said still confused on what was going on. "Whats yours?" Freddy asked the fox. It seemed too look around the same way he did before answering. "Im Funtime Foxy.." The fox answered too Freddy who nodded and looked away. Foxy looked away as well whistling. The awkwardness began too grow between the two. "Well then.. wanna explore then... Foxy..?" Freddy asked as foxy nodded. As Foxy left the room Freddy noticed a body that was also in the room. It was dead.. he decided too ignore it scared too bring it up and unsure whether the soul of the body was possessing the fox.

"Till Death Does Us Apart" -FNAF AUWhere stories live. Discover now