Hand Puppet

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As Freddy and Foxy read they heard a shuffling at the door. Then a intense tapping on it. It sounded as if it was tryna be slammed open but the thing trying was too small. Freddy got up and opened the door. He was confused when he looked around seeing nothing. "Down here idiot!" A high pitched but angry voice yelled. Freddy looked down too see the small blue rabbit from earlier looking up at him. Freddy scowled. "What do you want?" He asked still upset at the insults he was called earlier. "In! What else?? Seriously use your none existent brain! I bet if we did have brains you still would have none!" The bunny yelled at him. Freddy yelled back. "WE AINT TAKIN VISITORS!" He kicked him away from the door forcefully. "Hey! What the!-" Freddy slammed the door shut before he could finish. The little fist slammed at the door again while Freddy listened from outside. "YOU CANT LOCK ME OUT!! THIS IS MY ROOM TOO!!" Freddy froze at hearing that. He wouldnt like living with this little bastard. He growled and let the bunny in. "Hmph.." The rabbit crawled in pulling itself onto the stage. Foxy was snickering at the situation. Freddy walked back over too the stage flicking the rabbit off and sitting next too Foxy again. The rabbit scowled and crawled back on glaring at Freddy. "Usually you arent this annoying.. are you really Freddy?" The rabbit said still staring him down. "Uh- YES! OF COURSE I AM!! WHY WOULDN'T I BE??" Freddy quickly answered these accusations. "Oh really? Whats my name!" The rabbit asked. Freddy tried too remember if Baby told him. "Uhm.." Freddy really couldnt remember.. there was Ballora right..? And.. "BON BON! YOUR NAME IS BON BON!" Freddy shouted of relieved he remembered. "Alright then.. how did you kill me then?" Bon bon questioned him. Freddy sat there silent. He looked around awkwardly. He spotted baby in the door way point at his torso. "Uhh.. with this..??" Freddy said pointing at it aswell. Bon bon scowled. "..I was hoping you werent Freddy.." Freddy sighed of relief and gave Baby a thumbs up. Bon bon eventually fell asleep and Freddy & Foxy continued the book.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2022 ⏰

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