The scooping room.

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They wondered out of the room they were just in looking around at there surroundings. The room was filled with tables covered In colorful table cloths. There were posters banners and decorations everywhere and a stage in the front. When they walked In a voice seeming too come from all around announced that they entered Funtime Auditorium. Even though they were both Funtimes the stage seemed too only fit 1 animatronic. Freddy wondered If the room he died In is where he was supposed too stay and this room was just for foxy. They noticed 3 doors in the room they were in. The one they just left. A room that said private room on a frame above the door and a doubled door room with windows you could see the inside from. They decided too enter the double door room first. It was announced that this was the scooper room by voice in the walls. "Scooper room? Sounds like something for icecream!!" Freddy said looking around. The room was quite empty besides a conveyer built an exo skeleton that seemed too cover the outside of the animatronic they were possessing some windows the showed a room from behind the room they were in and a large arm with a spoon end on it. "Ill check the other room!" Foxy said as he rushed too the other room behind the one they were currently in. Freddy took a closer look at his surroundings. He noticed how sharp the spoon thing was and was that.. oil..?. He looked around seeing small unswept pieces of metal screws and bolts on the ground. It seemed that something was destroyed In here. "Foxy..?" Freddy called out having a bad feeling about this room. "Yeahh?" Foxy yelled out from the other room. "I dont think we should be In here.." Freddy stepped away from the arm a bit. "Just gimmie a minute! I found a button!" Foxy said looking down from infront of the window. "Foxy I dont think you should pre-" But it was too late. Foxy already pressed the button and the roomed began too flash red. beep.. beep.. beep.. SWOOSH! The arm swung towards where freddy was standing the sharp spoon heading towards his torso. Freddy quickly stepped out of the way falling into the wall. "oOF!" Freddy just almost got hit. He stood up rubbing his head from banging it on the wall when he dodged the scoop. " wonder why they call it a scooper.. it almost scooped my animatronic guts out..!!" Freddy stared at it in terror. "ARE YOU OKAY??" Foxy rushed out of the room too Freddy's side checking too make sure hes okay. "Im fine.. I barely missed it.." freddy was still tryna catch the breath he didnt need from what just happened. "Lets get the hell outta here.." Foxy and Freddy left the room back too Funtime Auditorium

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