The building.

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Owen and the man dressed In purple exited the elevator and then crawled through a vent that led too some sort of control room. It had buttons and weird decorations more vents and windows. You could see the shadows of something standing on sort of stage in each window but it was too dark too tell. The man lead Owen through the left vent through a dark room. Owen couldn't help but too feel as something was watching them. After what felt like an entirety too him they arrived too a room that was on the other side of the room they just crossed. "In there!" The man dressed In purple said too Owen grinning ear too ear as he entered. As soon as he made It in all the way he could hear the door lock from the outside. "Huh?" Owen rushed too the door trying too open it. No luck. "Hey dude?? Let me out! This Isnt funny!" Then he heard it.. he turned around too see a large white and purple bear staring at him. It was grinning widely at him "..what the hell.." Owen backed up into the door as the bear approached. He jiggled the door handle again but It still didnt open. "DUDE LET ME OUT!" Owen screamed for the purple man too let him out but the door still didnt budge. The bear kept creeping closer keeping the same wide grin it had.. Screams came from the room Owen had entered. Screams of terror. Screams of pain. Screams of fear. And after silence occurred. The bear looked down at his new kill before it shut down. When it did activate though Its once red eyes had turned a hazel blue. It was the same hazel blue owen had. "..Im.. alive..?" the bear looked around confused and looked down too Its hands. He only had 1 hand. The other was an empty nub but looked like something screwed onto It. "..these aren't my hands.." The bear was confused on what was going on before looking up at a body infront of him. It had short but wavy blonde hair and was wearing a green hoodie. When the bear got a closer look at the bleeding out body he stopped in his tracks. Its face had the same freckles. The same stubble. The eyes seemed too have faded too a pale greyish white though. This body. Was his body.. He was too stunned too speak. He was possessing the thing that killed him. When he observed more of the bear the he possessed he realized it was a robot made of metal. He wore a black top hat and bow tie. While observing he heard a scream from the other room.

"Till Death Does Us Apart" -FNAF AUWhere stories live. Discover now