chapter 29

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"So Matt have you and my daughter have sex yet?" And just like that I choked on my stake as all sign of blood drained from matt's face.

Wtf did I get him into?!?
"Uhh I-I um..we..." Matt stuttered as i gaped at my dad in horror "No dad! We didn't" I said as I watched him in disbelief.

"I think I said Matt not Cassie, So Matt  if you guys haven't gone far im sure you've thought about going there right?" My dad asked not even sparing me a glance.

If possible my jaw droped more. "Um...honey he doesn't-" my mom started but my dad cut her off. "Yes...he does now I asked the boy a question let him answer it" He said and turned back to look at Matt.

He cleared his throat "I-I mean yeah I've thought about a teenage boy who doesn't?" He asked and i closed my eyes.

Wrong answer!

I thought as he continued "but even though I have thought about it I y-your daughter is not ready for that s-sir and im...willing to wait" he said and i bit my lips

That was better.....

"So if she was ready now would you jump at the chance?" He asked and i frowned.

Why is he giving matt such a hard time?

Hes never done this before!

"Well sir im not going to lie to you" Matt started.

Please say no please say no...

I chanted "so yes I w-would jump at the chance" he said and I sighed in defeat.

Yup hes dead!
I thought as I could feel the wave of anger coming off him.

I looked at my dad to see his whole body tense and for a second he look like he was about to pounce but in a blink of an eye it was all gone and his face turned to a blank one.

Omg hes in cop mode! (A/N lmbooo I just had to guys)

"Son lets talk....alone" my dad said as he pushed his seat back and I quickly stood up.

"Dad thats not really necessary is that?" I questioned "cass!" My mom said when my dad so bluntly ignored me.

I looked at her and she shook her head at me. "Sure..where do you want to talk?" Matt asked looking cool and collected as he too stood up and I looked at him like he was crazy.

"How about I show you my gun collection?" My dad asked as they walked towards the door and before i could object they were out the door.

Panic ran through me and I turned to my mom desperately
" something!" I said and she sighed "sweet heart relax! Your dad wont hurt him...he'll probably just scare the boy a little" my mom said and I gave her a crazy look. "A little?!" I asked "cass its okay! And plus I think matt could use a little scareing. He needs to know his place with you" his mom said and I sighed "fine" I said biting my lips.

As soon as we were done talking the door opened and they were back. I looked up in surprise "you guys are done talking?!" I asked in surprise and my dad nodded. I searched Matt's face for any trace of fear or anger but his face was completely blank. "Alright well this was a very nice dinner thank you for inviting us!" Matts mom said "I'll walk you out!" I said as our parents started talking about something.

Matt nodded and we made our way out side. "So how did it go?" I asked, he smirked and before I knew it he was pulling me towards him. "Good....your dad threatened me but he said he trust you with me." He said and my smiled grew so wide "see I told you, you had nothing to worry about!" I said and he quickly pecked my lips "yeah you were right...God cant believe your finally mine" he said and I giggled "so how long have you been obsessing over me?" I asked slyly and he smiled "since forever" He said then captured my lips in a tantalizing kiss.

This one kiss had so much emotion in it and I tride to show him how much he means to me. "Alright break it up before her dad comes out here!" His mom said and we quickly jumped apart. I laughed nervously "sorry" I said sheepishly and she shook her head "bye Cassie" Matts little sister said as she came and gave me a hug. "Bye sweety!" I said as I bent down to kiss her small cheeks. she smiled while blyshing slightly before she went back to her mom.
"Alright bye babe" Matt said then quickly kissed my lips once again. I smiled as I raised an eyebrow "hmm babe...I like the sound of that" I said befor we both laughed and he got in the car. I stood there as his mom pulled out of our drive way and before they drove away he rolled down the window and yelled "see you tomorrow loser!" Then sent me a wink.
I smiled and shook my head as i thought
But im your loser!
Alright guys im sooo sorry i took so long and this chapters not as long as i wanted it to be but i wanted to put something up real quick for yall cause i know ive been slacking. So hope you guys liked this!!! And comment vote share do whatever just do not copy!!!☺☺ luvs yall
-Nanabo_o out ✌

edited by nekogir78 at 1:43PM on 7/24/2016

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