chapter 17

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Hello my beauty's and beast!! Okay so everybody has been saying that the last chapter was to short! So I thought I'd just be nice and update again! Lol well hope u guys like it!


Just as the doorbell rang so did my phone "Lisa get the door!" Kate said, Lisa got up to get the door while I pulled out my phone to see a text from an unknown number.

Watch your back Cassie! We're coming for you!
  I felt a shiver of fear run through me but I pushed it aside; this is a prank!

I closed my phone then I looked up to see all the boys in the living room "hey girls" I heard Justin say as he gave Lisa and Kate a quick kiss on the cheek "Cassie" Justin said before giving me a kiss on the cheek like he did everyone. I caught matt's eye and I saw him glare at Justin, who quickly went to stand by Kate. I frowned at him "hey Matt help me get the popcorn ready in the kitchen!" Lisa said and Matt nodded before following Lisa quickly "I'll set up the movie" I said and Alec chuckled "yo it better not be no girly chick flick!" He said and I glared at him "oh please Alec! You know those are your favorites!" I said and his cheeks burned bright red "who told you that?!? It was Lisa wasn't it!? Damn it! That girl-" he started but was cut off by me, Kate and Justin's burst of laughter "Lisa didn't tell me a-anything!" I said in-between laughter "d-dude y-you put your own self out!" Justin said his face bright red from his full blown laughter "oh shit! For real?! Y-you won't tell anybody r-right cas?" He asked and I smirked.

  I pressed play on the movie and walked over to him "I don't know! I make no promises!" I said and his eyes grew wide

   "Hey what's taking Lisa and Matt so long? I'm hungry!!" Justin asked "fat ass" Kate muttered under her breath and we all laughed "hey!" Well all of us except for Justin "I'll go get them!" I said then skipped to the kitchen "what the hell were you thinking Matt?!?!" I stopped in my tracks when I heard Lisa whisper yell at Matt "I don't know alright!? I wasn't thinking!" Matt whispered back "I'm telling her you know!" She said and I frowned telling who what?

   I peaked in and saw Matt grab Lisa before she can go! "No...dont- at least not yet...she already hates me and I'm trying to fix things just....just give me a few more weeks then we can tell her together" he said and my scowl grew.

the fuck!?!? They sound like they sneaking off behimde someone's back. But who? It can't be Kate!

  "Cassie needs to know that we-" Lisa started but Matt cut her off "I know Lisa! Shit I know but...I need more time! I can't have her hating me...I just can't!" He said running his hands through his hair in frustration "how do you think I feel? what If her or Alec find's out,Huh? I'll lose two of the most important people in my life! Don't you think I know that! Don't you think I know what would happen when she find out what you did? What we both did!?!"

Lisa's voice started to get louder "Lisa-" Matt started and that's when I couldn't take it anymore "what the hell is going on here?!?!" I yelled and they both snapped their head towards me "Cassie!?! How much did you hear?" Matt asked and I shook my head as anger boiled inside of me "Enough to know that you guys are keeping something from me! So what? What is it?!?" I yelled

"Cassie-" Lisa took a step towards me "No! I'm tried of being kept in the dark! Tell me Lisa!" I said just as kate, Justin and Alec came into the kitchen  "what's going on? We heard screaming" Alec said as he looked at everybody. His eyes stopped on a tears face Lisa and he made a move to go to her "No Alec! Let her talk" I said and he paused giving me a questioning look "please Cassie...don't make me tell you" Lisa said "Cassie we-" Matt started but I cut him off "CUT THE BULLSHIT MATT!! IM SO TIERD OF IT! AND IF I HAVE TO HERE IT ONE MORE TIME IM NOT ONLY GOING TO BE TIERD BUT IM GOING TO BE DONE TOO!" I yelled. 

he clenched his jaw "WHAT THE HELLS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOUR MAKING A SCENE! if you want to know we could go in a separate room and talk about it!" He started to yell but then stopped but not fully calmed down "No! I want you to say it! In front of everybody!" I said then turned to look at Lisa "no more secrets right? Then say it!" I said to Lisa "cas-" Kate started to interrupt but I cut her off. I was too livid "say it!! What? Are you guys suddenly mute now!? SAY. IT!" I said and I could tell I was driving Matt over the edge as Lisa cried hysterically.

  But I didn't care! I was tired! tired of the bullshit drama.

  "Cassie come on..we shouldn't push them they-" Alec started but I stopped him "No Alec! Let them talk! You've already hurt me Matt! So what me can you do?Just say i-" I started but Matt cutt me off "FINE!FINE! YOU WANT TO KNOW SO BAD?!" He asked "Matt...dont-" Lisa tried to stop him but he ignored her "I FUCKED YOUR BEST FRIEND!!!!!" Matt yelled his face was red and he was breathing hard from anger.

But just like that my heart broke! Not like the first time..or the time after that! No this time it hurt like a b**** and its so funny cause I was to hurt to cry right then but I knew I would sooner or later.

Before I could sat anything Alec springed into action and punched Matt so hard that Matt fell on the floor as blood drives down his face "I guess I deserved that" he said and I laughed coldly. I shook my head "I should have known! What with all the bullshit you were feeding me?!" I shook my head at them both "I'm so done! With BOTH of you!" I said then turned and walked out.

When I reached outside I let the tears flow. I was half way down the drive way before a hand grabbed mine "Cassie please wait!" Matt said "d-dont touch me! Don't fucking touch me!" I said swinging my arms around untill he let me go "I'm sorry!" He said and I looked at him through blurry tears "your a coward!!! You know that?!? Your a coward!" I yelled hitting his chest and he let me "I know!" He said grabbing my hands "you didn't even want to tell me!" I said in disgust "cause I didn't want yo lose you!" He said and I scoffed "oh please! All those times you've hurt me you didn't think about losing me! So why now!?! Huh? Why now!" I asked "I only hurt you the last time because I was afriad!" He said and I scoffed "Afriade of what?!" I asked "I was afriad of falling for you! But I realized the more I pushed you away the more I couldn't get you out of my mind" he said and I felt myself soften a little before I shook my head "now you want to think of me?!" I yelled "I ALWAYS THOUGHT OF YOU! YOUR WERE ALWAYS THE FIRST PERSON TO POP INTO MY HEAD EVERY MOURNING AND THE LAST TO LEAVE EVERY NIGHT! BUT I GEUSS YOU DIDNT FEEL THE SAME WAY HUH? CONSIDERING YOU'RE WITH JUSTIN WHILE YOU WERE STILL WITH ME!" He yelled and I laughed "ME AND JUSTIN ARE JUST FRIENDS!!! HE WAS AT MY HOUSE THE OTHER DAY BUT SO WAS KATE!!! IF YOU JUST OPENED YOUR EYES YOU WOULD HAVE SEEN THAT JUSTIN IS IN LOVE WITH KATE AND HE JUST DID ALL THOSE THINGS TO GET YOU JEALOUS!!! IT WAS A PLAN!! god..." I shook my head "your more stupid then I thought" I said then started to walk away but he grabbed me again "cass"-" he started but I turned around and beat his chest "DONT TOUCH ME! DONT TOUCH ME! I HATE YOU MATT WALICE! I HATE YOU! I Hate you" I said beating on his chest repeatedly before I started to break down.

He wrapped his arms around me before I could hit the floor and rocked me while I sobbed "I know! I'm sorry I'm sorry" he said over and over again.

  Before I could get lost in his smell I pulled away and looked him straight in the eyes "stay away form me, and I mean it Matt!" I said before I walked down the street towards my house.

I was so consumed in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that I was home. I banged on the door cause I don't have my keys.

  My dad opened the door and I jumped in his arms balling my eyes out. He caught me and before I knew it I was being lifted off the ground. My dad sat us in the living room with me on his lap....just like when I was a Little girl but this time I was crying from my first heart break. He didn't say anything.

  He just held me like he always dose.

'Matt Walice you will NEVER make me weak again!'

And with that thought I fell into a deep sleep in my daddy's arms.

So what did u guys think? Hope y'all loved the drama! I was gong to save it until later in the book but then I just thought what the hell! Lol well you guys know what to do! Vote. Comment. Share . do whatever but y'all better love me cause I updated twice in one night and now my fingers hurt!:(
Nanabo_o out!

edited by nekogirl78 at 8:38 on 7/21/2016

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