chapter 31

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Through out the whole night sleep would not come to me. Cassies words ran through my head over and over again 'i love you' She had said. Even though I was shocked I couldnt help but be confused by the pain behinde those words. And before she said those words she droped her wall for a second, gave me a glimpse of what was raging inside.

So much emotions swarmed in her eyes, hurt, anger, guilt, and love were the main ones...I wanted to take her anger away, I wanted to take the pain and the guilt away, the only thing is that I didn't know what caused all those emotions. But what scared me the most was the way she kissed me....the way she said those words 'i love you' I couldn't help but feel like it sounded like a goodbye.

Something didn't make sense...and I was geting frustrated cause I couldn't put the pieces together.

She said I love you first!

I wanted to do that.

Thats why this morning I woke up with one thought in mind. Cassie was keeping something from me...and so we needed to talk.

Little did I know things were geting more weird by the day. Cassie wasn't at school and so i texted her:

Hey babe where are you?!

Okay im geting worried the girls said they haven't heard from you since last night.

Did i do something again?

Look baby what ever i did im sorry...just please text me back or the girls...just so we can know ur okay.


Cassie your killing ke here! Was it because i snaped on you last night?

That's it im coming over later.

thats how i ended up leaving school early to pacing back and forth at my house.

Should i go to her house?

What if she doesn't want to see me?!

What if somthing happened to her?!

My mind flashed to Terrance but i shook it off.

No..h-he wouldn't dare!

I thought but i couldnt help the fear that ran through me at the possibility.
Thats it im going to her house!
I made up my mind and just as i grabed my car keys and jacket the bell ringed. I froze wondering who it could be, i mean my mom was at work and she has a key...i left the boys at the school they would have called if they were coming over.

What if it was cassie?!
My heart beat fast at the thought, and i rushed to the door.

I pulled the door open and dissapointment filled me as it was not cassie standing there but her dad.

I stared at him nervously as he glared at me. "The school called" he said and i frowned "ummm okay?!" I responded as confusion filled me.

"Wheres cassie?! I know she's here! And i know she sneaked out last night! I might have said i trusted you with my daughter but i never said she could have ept over at your house! And so help me god if she doesn't come out right now..this relation ship between yall is over!" He dad Ranted as his face turned red from anger but i didnt care.

My blood ran cold as all the flowed through my head was,

I know she sneaked out last night.

"S-sir...your daughters not here...i-i thought she was at home thats where i was going right now!" I said "Matt stop playing with me! My patience is running thin now wheres my daughter!"

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