10. Those Damn Poptarts

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My leg finally healed enough for me to be able to stand on it.

I had been visiting Jack at least once since I first visited him. We would spend the time just chatting, or going over some books for learning braille that Slenderman had provided him with.

We had a lot of stuff we would talk about. I would listen to Jack talk about various medical things that interested him. I would tell Jack stories about things that happened around the mansion.

He hadn't left his room yet. He wanted me to be able to show him around. Though, now that my leg was finally all healed up, I was able to do it.

I knocked on his door excitedly, shaking my hands side to side.

He opened his door and recognized me, a smile coming across his face, which was currently uncovered.

He started doing this thing where he would memorize how people smell in order to identify them. I asked him what people smelled like and he just shrugged and said that it was a mix of scents he didn't know how to describe. I guess it was like going over to your friends house and not being able to tell what their house smelled like, but it was still different than how yours smelled.

"You ready to finally get a tour of the house?" I asked him as he opened the door more.

"As long as you're showing me around, yeah," He smiled a bit more.

"I am," I said, copying his smile.

He disappeared into his room and came back a few short seconds later with his mask on his face.

"Well then, let's go."

I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of his room, probably with a bit too much force considering that he stumbled for a second before he was steady. I loosened my grip on arm and slid my hand down so it was holding his hand instead.

I guided him down the hallway, making sure we were close to a wall so he could run his hand along it. I explained to him who each room belonged too and let him feel certain doors that had tactile markings on them, like Jeff's door which had gashes on it.

He listened to me explain all of this quietly, though I knew he was still listening to me because he would occasionally nod his head or let out a small hum.

I helped him down the stairs and then showed him around the living room once. I was thankful that BEN wasn't playing games right now, and was instead out on a mission.

Jack did decently well with getting his bearings. He was pretty good at avoiding the coffee table that sat in the middle of the room, and finding where the couch was.

We moved onto the kitchen and I showed him where all the silverware was. Jack was running his hands over the utensils when I heard a voice yell from the bottom of the stairs.

"Good morning, fuckers!"

If Jeff came into the kitchen I swear I would-

My thoughts were interrupted by Jeff entering the kitchen.

"Wassup Toby, and strange tall guy," Jeff said as he walked over to the pantry and started looking through it. Jack had turned his head towards Jeff, hand still gliding over the silverware.

"Jeff, that's Jack," I explained. I was fairly certain that only me, Masky, Hoodie, and Slenderman actually knew what Jack looked like, considering he would usually just have whoever was giving him food set the plate right outside his door.

Jeff's eyes widened, which didn't feel possible but he somehow managed it. "Oh for real?"

I sighed, "Yeah for real."

Jeff let his eyes glide over Jack's body, then his eyes settled on his hand, which was still moving over the silverware.

"What's he doing?" Jeff whispered, though it was extremely loud and even someone without Jack's incredible hearing would be able to hear him whisper from across the room.

I looked at Jack. He seemed to sense me staring at him and figure out the question I was silently asking. He nodded, allowing me to explain.

"He's feeling the silverware," I said.

Jack sighed and Jeff looked at me like I was stupid.

"Yeah, but why?" Jeff clarified, not bothering to whisper this time.

"Oh- Jack's blind."

Jeff just looked at me, then Jack, then me, then Jack, and then back to me.

"The big guy actually hired a blind person?" Jeff asked, obviously surprised by this discovery, "How is he going to be able to complete missions if he can't see the target?" He didn't intend for it to come off as rude, though Jeff always had a difficult time conveying the right emotions while talking.

Before I could answer, a small object flew across the room and embedded itself into the wall next to Jeff's head. I turned around, slightly startled when I saw Jack leaning against the counter, holding another knife that he must of gotten from the kitchen drawer.

Jack walked over to where Jeff was, knife in hand. After being less than a foot away from Jeff, Jack stopped, grabbed the knife that was in the wall, and pulled it out. Jeff was about the same height as me, so he had to look up to see Jacks mask. If I were in Jeff's position, I would have shit my pants.

"Point proven," Jeff said, before sliding sideways away from Jack. "Oh, Toby?"

I looked at Jeff, "What's up?"

He smiled like a madman, which he technically was, and held up a poptart. My eyes widened as I realized what he was implying.

"You didn't..." I said.

"Oh but I did."

shorter chapter, more of a filler. I had to stop writing halfway through to finish homework

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