20. Imagine Being Single L

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This bitch seriously just wouldn't stay dead.

I had first stabbed him in the stomach with a kitchen knife. I waited until he stopped moving before going to look around for more evidence. Then, I went back into the living room, where he should have been lying dead on the floor, but nooo. He just had to live and crawl over to the kitchen to try and grab a phone. So of course, being the normal and sensible person I am, I chopped his hand off.

Did he die after that? Well he screamed and dropped to the floor and stopped moving. I considered that dead, especially since he had a knife in his stomach and was lacking one of his hands. Was he dead? No.

I was going through all his drawers, completely invading his privacy in order to look for any potential evidence he had of the big guy, when I heard a crash from the kitchen. Of course, when I went to inspect it, he was still alive. I thought people usually died of blood loss by now, considering he was soaked in it, but he was somehow managing. The crashing noise I heard was him knocking down a glass cup from off the counter top while trying to grab a towel. I assumed it was to wrap up his hand, maybe try and prevent blood loss? I wasn't sure. Maybe it was his comfort towel. I don't judge though, he can have a comfort towel if he wants. It won't make much of a difference when he's dead though.

So now, here the two of us were. Me, staring him down wondering how the fuck he wasn't dead, and the random guy, looking up at me, probably wondering why a random murderer with a significant amount of mental issues was going through everything in his house.

"Can you just please die?" I asked him, my hand jerking upwards due to a tic, causing me to drop my hatchet. I quickly picked it up, acting like it didn't happen.

"What?" The guy asked, his voice fairly quiet. Maybe that meant he was dying?

"Well, I'm supposed to kill you, and I've already stabbed you, and chopped your hand off, so it would be nice if you made my job easier. Either way, you aren't gonna be alive by the end of the night, so help a buddy out will ya?" I explained, tossing him a knife. "Just give yourself a little stab or something."

"The fuck?" He whispered, looking down at the knife in his hand. His eyes darted to the phone that was on the floor dye to his previous attempt of calling for help. I just sighed and went over to the phone. I stomped on it, crushing it to pieces, and then looked at him again.

"Anything else I need to break so you can murder yourself for me?" I asked, tilting my head a bit.

"No, no it's okay," He said, turning his attention back to the knife in his hands.

"Great, get to it then," I said, walking back to where I was previously looking.

I found some photographs of The Operator walking with some children. The photos were black and white and looked pretty old. I shoved them into my pocket before going through everything else. I didn't find any other evidence, but I did find some gasoline tanks in the garage, which made me grin. Even if I missed finding any evidence, by the time I was done here, there wouldn't be anything salvageable left in this house.

I grabbed the tanks and strolled out of the room I was in, walking into the kitchen.

Where the guy was.

Still alive.

"Why do you have to make my job so hard?" I whined, unclipping one of my hatchets from my belt. The guy was probably in shock, either from blood loss, or the absurdity of a murderer asking their victim to kill themselves to make their job easier.

I just shook my head at his lack of response. I walking up to him and crouched down on the floor.

"So are you gonna say anything?" I asked, but got no reply. I groaned before pulling the hand that held my hatchet back, then swinging it into his neck. His eyes were still moving even with the hatchet blocking his airway, but I knew that it usually takes people a while to die from beheading anyways. Partially chopping their head off probably didn't make a difference.

After maybe a minute though, the guy lost all tension in his body and fell over onto the floor.

"Thank you," I said, removing my hatchet from his neck. I removed the cap from one of the tanks and started drizzling gasoline throughout the house. When I was done inside, I moved outside, keeping a steady stream of the flammable liquid flowing out of the tank. When one of the tanks was empty, I moved onto the next.

After a while, I was satisfied with how much of the property I had covered with gasoline. I tossed the remaining tanks back into the house before taking a lighter out of my pocket. I usually carried it on me in case whoever I was with wanted to take a smoke break and forget their own lighter, though it was also fun sometimes just to play around with the flame.

I ran my thumb over the top of the lighter a few times before it flickered to life. I lowered it down, quickly retracting my hand and walking away once the gasoline had been lit. It didn't take long for the house to be swallowed by the flames. I allowed myself a few minutes to watch, though left when I heard distant sirens. Being caught wasn't that appealing of an idea to me.

I ran through the forest for a while, making sure I was far enough away from the scene of the crime that I could safely walk and not worry about being connected to it. It was a relatively short walk back to the mansion.

Once I had got inside, I quickly raced up the stairs and to Jacks room. I knocked on his door a couple times and waited. I wasn't long before he opened the door.

"Jack!" I yelled, launching myself at him, trapping him in a hug.

"Hey Tobes. You done with your mission?" Jack asked, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yeah, took a while longer because the guy I was killing wouldn't stay dead. But he's dead now so it's okay!" I said, burying my face in his neck.

"Yuck, I hate when that happens."

"I know, it's super annoying. This time, I stabbed him and chopped his hand off. And he still wouldn't die!" I sighed out, still pissed that he took so long to die. "I even gave him a knife so he could murder himself for me and he didn't do it."

Jack moved his hand to my face, shifting my head so that I was looking at him.

"Toby, if you give someone a knife, they probably won't kill themselves. People don't usually want to kill themselves," Jack said with a sigh.

"Yeah but I asked him nicely to do it and he still didn't," I pouted. Jack just shook his head.

"You're lucky I love you enough to put up with your stupidity, you know."

"I'm just so naturally awesome that it's impossible to hate me," I grinned up at him.

"You're very awesome," He agreed.

Jack leaned forward and kissed me, to which I happily complied. Everything in that moment was perfect.

As the sun rose, the room was flooded with dim light, the sky outside hundreds of different shades of pink. Birds were waking up from their sleep, slowly starting to sing outside.

As me and Jack kissed in the dull light of his room, there was only one other thing I could think of apart from how his lips felt on my own.

Killing my dad? Probably one of my best ideas.


How are we feeling out there tonight?

This is the last chapter of the story- I really hope y'all enjoyed it- I'm pretty happy with the ending, I thought maybe a more lighthearted chapter would be nice to finish off with? Idk if it really ended up being quite a lighthearted chapter, but yk, it's okay-

I've started on an SCP foundation au book- it's gonna be EJ x Hoodie- I'm thinking about writing a book for Jeff and BP but idk yet so we'll just see how everything works out

thank you so much for reading my story and I love you all, please take care of yourselves <3

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