12. An Apple a Day Keeps Jack Away

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A meeting had been called in the living room.

All the residents of the mansion filled up the space, finding places to sit on the floor, the couch, or even dragging chairs in from the kitchen.

There was quite a bit of commotion as everyone took their seats. Bloody Painter sitting on the floor next to Lost Silver, Puppeteer and Jason were fighting over a kitchen chair, Jeff and BEN were sitting on the couch, squished between other residents who also took their places on the couch.

Me and Jack were sitting on the floor next to the wall.

Masky walked up to the front of the room after everything had mostly settled down.

"Alright, so we have some missions that will be done in groups, and we have a new position that has been made. Listen up because I'm not repeating myself," Masky spoke, clearly and loudly.

"First group, Jeff, Bloody Painter, and Kate. You three will be eliminating a small group that has chosen to compile evidence of our murders in an attempt to convict us. You will be leaving in two days.

Second group, Liu, Jane, Clockwork, and Sally. You guys will be going to a small town with a potential new resident. Keep tabs on them and report back to me daily. You leave tomorrow.

Third group is going to be me, Hoodie,  Hobo Heart, and Puppeteer. We'll be leaving for a psychiatric facility to provide updates on someone who is currently on a watch list.

Those are all the groups for now, files will be in each of your rooms providing more details on your missions. If you have any questions you can ask me later," Masky finished up.

I silently cheered because I wasn't going on any missions, and neither was Jack.

Masky pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket.

"Finally, we now have an official doctor position. These people will be working in the Medical ward and take care of injuries that occur to other residents. They will have less missions and chores to complete," Masky read off of the paper.

Everyone looked around at each other, curious as to who the new doctor would be. There had been two people taking care of the residents for a while, Ann and Dr. Smiley.

In order for a new title to be made, at least three people had to be working in the field associated with it. For example, the title of a proxy wasn't created until Masky and Hoodie arrived. Them and Kate made three proxies total, officially making it a position.

"The people who are going to be given this position are Nurse Ann, Dr. Smiley, and Eyeless Jack."

I turned to Jack with an excited expression, he had wanted to be a doctor and now he finally was one.

Jack grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently, showing me he was excited too.

After the announcement, everyone left the room, talking about the new missions, the doctors, or other random stuff.

After the majority of people cleared out, Dr. Smiley and Ann came over to congratulate Jack on getting the position. He nodded and softly thanked them.

Me and Jack eventually climbed the stairs and went into my room to hang out and be idiots.

Jack sat down on the carpeted floor with me, our backs against the wall, and took of his mask.

We talked about anything that came to mind. School, bugs, skulls, stuffed animals, cats, anything we could think of, we talked about. The conversation flowed effortlessly for a couple hours while we just relaxed.

After a while we ended up just sitting in silence. It was close to dinner time, though we still had a while to pass.

"Wanna play a game?" I asked him, breaking the seemingly endless silence.

Eyeless Jack x Ticci TobyWhere stories live. Discover now