16. Trashy Gay Raccoon #2

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It felt like everything flipped.

Instead of being weird and distant, Jack refused to leave my side.

He said he wanted to make sure I would be okay, that I wouldn't hurt myself again.

After seeing how concerned Jack was, I didn't want to repeat it myself.

Once I stopped seizing, Jack spent a while pulling glass out of dozens of cuts that surrounded my body.

I just laid there, letting him clean my cuts and eventually falling asleep.

He had been insisting I sleep in his room since.

Though it had been a couple weeks at this point, Jack was still hardly letting me out of his 'sight', and I didn't hate it.

It was nice having him so close to me.

It was nice feeling wanted.

Me and Jack were sitting on the floor. Jack had been learning braille and had gotten the hang of it pretty fast. He was reading a book that slender had got him, getting excited and shaking his arms whenever he finished reading a page.

I was just smiling and watching him. It was nice to see him so happy.

"You know," Jack said, breaking the silence between us that had been there for so long, "I don't have eyes, but that doesn't mean I can't feel you staring at me."

He flipped a page and I was pretty sure I turned red.

"I'm not staring at you," I said, stuttering slightly and looking away.

"I don't mind it."

I think I was gonna die. My poor little gay heart was beating so fast.

"You guys doing okay up here?" I heard a voice ask from the doorway. I looked over and saw it was Masky. He wasn't wearing his mask, which made it quite obvious he wasn't getting much sleep due to the bags under his eyes.

"Yeah we're fine," Jack replied, flipping the page of his book and starting on the next one.

"Alright, just checking up on you. Dinner is going to be ready in about 15 minutes so make sure you come down," Masky said.

I nodded and accidentally made eye contact with him. He gestured over to Jack, then move his hand in a circle forward, seeming to say 'get on with it'. I tilted my head at him, confused for a minute before it sunk in.

"ohh," I whispered.

Jack turned his head in my direction, "What's up?"

"Nothing, just remembering something," I replied. Masky just rolled his eyes and walked away, closing the door behind him.

We sat in silence for a while more.

"Jack?" I said hesitantly.

"What's up Tobes?"

Holy- my little gay heart can't take this.

"I was just wondering if you'd want to hang out sometime," I mumbled. I mean, I was trying to ask him out on a date, but this works too I guess.

"Toby, we've hung out a lot before, there's no need to be embarrassed asking," Jack said me, flipping another page of his book.

"I know," I said, obviously embarrassed. I was certain Jack could hear it in my voice because he turned his head back towards me, grinning.

"Unless this is you trying to ask me out on a date?" He teased.

"Oh- no- it's just- I like- I just wanna hang out with you more," I finally managed to say.

"It's okay Toby, calm down a little," Jack said, turning back to his book, "So you have a place in mind?"

"Not exactly," I said, shrugging my shoulders despite him not being able to see it.

"We could always just wander around the forest," Jack suggested.

I agreed and we sat in silence once more.

"You know it's fine if you're trying to ask me out right?" Jack said, making my eyes widen.

"Will you stop saying stuff like that with no warning?"

"Hey, I'm just saying," Jack smirked, "Plus,we've already acknowledged that I like you."

I put my head in my hands and mumbled something through them, but even I want sure what I was saying. It was just a jumbled mess of letters and maybe numbers.

Jack put a piece of paper in his book to mark the page he was on before her closed it, setting it beside him. He leaned back against the wall, his head tilted up slightly.

I couldn't even understand how someone could be so effortlessly hot. It just wasn't making sense in my head.

Jack sighed then stood up.

"Come on you trashy gay raccoon, let's go get dinner."

"I'm not a trashy gay raccoon!" I protested, but followed his lead and stood up.

He slid his mask on his face and walked out of the room.

"Of course you are, you're gay, you probably have dark circles under your eyes, and all you eat is chips and soda, plus you're bringing home random shiny things you find in the forest. That sounds like a trashy gay raccoon to me," Jack replied.

I grumbled angrily in defeat. All the points he made were valid, sadly.

"Wait Toby's gay?" Jeff asked from the other side of the hall.

My head snapped towards him. He was standing in the doorway of his room, probably just coming out for dinner.

"Just a little," Jack joked.

"Like you're one to talk," Jeff replied lightheartedly, "You're the gayest person I know."

"Really? So are we going to talk about you and Hel-"

"OKAY BYE SEE YOU GUYS AT DINNER!" Jeff interrupted Jack, running down the stairs.

"And that, Toby, was trashy gay raccoon number 2."

Okay so this chapter was a little shorter but dude my head HURTS and when I say hurt- I mean like a solid 8/10 hurt

Gonna start the next chapter, maybe post it today or tomorrow, who even knows anymore

love ya <3

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