Chapter One: A Spring Break Plan

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This is the small mission Barbie went on after the Fall in the Family story... enjoy!


"Hey Babs! Get a load of this!"

Barbie laughed back at her boyfriend's jubilance and excitement, watching him jump and twist in the air on the ice, his skates leaving the ground for a few seconds before crashing back down again to create ice dust behind him.

Ken's smile was as wide as it could go, nearly cracking his windblown face. His hair whipped in the wind from the speed he was picking up on the ice as he skated around the rink, determined to show off his newfound moves.

With college graduation looming in the next year, the former 9-year-old Malibu detectives were so bogged down with classes and work and extra responsibilities... in addition to finding an apartment, jobs, and all the other little intricacies of adulthood.

Barbie and Brooklyn were still making music, still performing and recording on the side; however, the blonde singer had taken on a job at the local library to help pay for some studio session funding in addition to her class load for her junior year of college at New York University... much better than the random side gigs her and her name-twin used to do...

After college, however, Barbie was becoming re-interested in a childhood dream of having a future in robotics. So, to further that along, she discussed seeking out another degree after NYU, possibly somewhere where Ken was going.

And speaking of, Ken was was currently employed at the local sailing center while undertaking a degree in Marine Biology from Rutgers University, which was just an hour away from Barbie in Manhattan. While heading his own marine research team was a dream of his, understanding that starting small was a necessity... especially when you were required to have advanced experience to have a career in marine biology. In order to make that happen, he instantly applied for his Master of Science in Biology degree at Boston University... First, the docks, next a lab, then hopefully his own research vessel... then who knows! Perhaps they would have a Dr. Kenneth Carson in their future...

Although right now, with everything going on in their lives, they made sure to take a small break to celebrate Valentine's Day in the city, skating at the Rockefeller Center.

Ken finished his spin and land gracefully on his feet, gliding backwards effortlessly...

... or so he planned...

Rather, he slipped and twisted, flipping sideways and falling clumsily on his behind, sending his blades straight over his head with a loud "OOF" and grunt.

Immediately, Barbie snorted and cackled, bending over to hold in her gut as she floated up next to his continually moving form against the frictionless ice.

"Are you OK?", she asked through her wheezing.

Ken laughed and lifted his head from the cold ground and grinned crookedly, pretty embarrassed but not as much as he should be.

"Never better, why?"

Shaking her head, Barbie rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's silliness.

"You dork..."

She bent down and helped him up. As they continued to skate, they talked and laughed, reminisced and reflected on everything that's happened in the past several years... holding hands the whole time.

It's been three years.

Three years since the duo became an official couple.

After the events with David Dunbar and the false gem heist leading up to the helicopter explosion on the boat, Barbie and Ken were officially an item, realizing how much they meant to each other and how things can change in the blink of an eye, prompting them to not pretend anymore regarding their feelings.

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