Chapter Four: Curious Corners

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Barbie couldn't believe her eyes... Her mouth gaped wide, nearly catching flies if she stood still long enough. Blinking back the stupefied numbness at the sight of her middle youngest sister strolling confidently past her further into the room, she eventually found her voice again.

"What in the world!?"

Stacie laughed and brushed off the bewilderment of her oldest sister.

"Hey, nice to see you, too, sis. So, did Ken ask you to marry him yet, or what?"

Now, Stacie was only teasing; however, Ken's eyes flew open, and his face turned beat red in an instant at the assumed proposal the blonde girl threw out there, as casually as ever. Shifting his eyes back and forth nervously, he backed up a step, immediately placing his hands in his pockets...

Teresa, Renee, and Patricia DID catch sight of his obvious anxious blush and smirked...

Barbie, on the other hand, completely disregarded the question and took to simply inquiring as to why her sister was here on this mission.

"What are you doing here?!"

Sighing in frustration because she figured her sister just wouldn't get it, Stacie turned to Barbie still by the doorway and placed her hands sarcastically on her hips, jutted them out with attitude.

"What do you mean 'what am I doing here?' I'm an agent, aren't I?"

Barbie sputtered, slowly finding her wits about her to close the door. When the door shut, she locked it and walked over, arms out.

"Well, yes, but—"

"And I've been training for six months, have I not?"

The older blonde blinked and stuttered again, not sure how to even answer the comebacks Stacie was tossing.

"Ugh... Stacie, look—"

"More than you ever did, Miss 'Recruit me and send me on a mission the same night'!"

"This is not about—"

"You need someone for a mission. I need to go on a mission. Nuff said!", she gestured, pointing to her sister and then thumbing to herself.

Barbie pinched the bridge of her nose frustratingly, placing her one hand on her hip just as Stacie did before.

"Stacie, this is not exactly the first mission you should be going on!"

Now, the younger sister crossed her arms, glaring at the girl who was acting very controlling. She didn't appreciate it when Barbie took over as if she were her mother.

"Barbie, girls are being taken... Kidnapped... And we need to help them"

"Yes! Girls who are older than you! You're 16!", she opened her eyes and threw her arms open, pointing to the younger girl

Rolling her eyes, Stacie scoffed at her, "And you're 21. Big whoop! What does that mean?"

"It means that you're too young for this! Or worse, you'll be a prime target!"

"Am not!"



During this entire ordeal, Teresa, Patricia, and Ken stood by simply watching it all happen... Teresa was still, her arms to her sides. Patricia crossed her arms, observing the sibling argument with slightly amused interest. Ken still had his hands nervously in pockets and his face was still a tad pink at the comment from earlier, although his eyes were carefully watching his girlfriend and her sister hotly debate... he knew when to stay out of their spats.

Barbie and the Spy Squad: Spies of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now