Chapter Six: An Illuminating Night

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"I can't believe this is actually happening...", Patricia breathed out from the backseat, keeping a watchful eye on the road ahead as they caught up to the vehicle carrying their three friends. She smirked at the SUV a distance aways and then back to the laptop footage in Renee's lap. "This guy is so going down"

"Yeah...", Ken nervously breathed out, leaning forward even more in the driver's seat. The other two girls could tell he was uneasy about the situation. He didn't want any of this happening...

For a variety of reasons...

"It'll be alright, they know what they're doing", Renee tried to reassure him. Patricia shared a look with the other girl in the back, then turned to sympathetically look at the man driving their car.

"Don't worry, man. When this is all over, you can ask her to marry you. How does that sound?", Patricia winked, teasing the man. Renee cackled and high-fived the other girl.

Ignoring the knowing chortle the girls gave each other, Ken just gripped the wheel tighter. He either didn't care that they mentioned a potential proposal or didn't hear them.

At the young age of 21, he was sure to develop some white hair after this...


"Would any of you ladies enjoy a nice Merlot?"

Stacie giggled and scooched closer to her sister from the opposite of the man, "Oh, no thank you. We don't drink alcohol"

Mr. Schwartz huffed amusedly, pouring his own glass from the backseat, raising a smirking eyebrow to the young girl, "Dat is a shame... You are vat, 20, ja?"

"So, tell me, Mr. Schwartz, you're from Germany, right? I mean, I'm just guessing based on your accent", Barbie smiled at the man, lifting her shoulders shyly, "What brings you to France?"

She was hoping the change of topic would take the conversation off her sister and more on him. They were still recording, after all, hoping for more incriminating evidence than just his name.

The man twisted his hazel eyes to the other blonde woman, who was very obviously, in his mind, older than the other blonde. Glancing up and down her seated body, he returned his eyes to her blue orbs and smacked his lips, leaning back with his glass in hand.

"Vell, I am here on business, you see... I am in ze market of... selling zings"

"Oh?", Teresa perked up, leaning forward in her own seat next to the other girls, "What kinds of things? Fancy things?", hoping to add to the deliriously naïve manner of someone who isn't quite with it.

Schwartz took a long sip of his wine, nearly downing the entire glass. With a long sigh of appreciation for the aged beverage, he smiled to the brunette.

"Lots of zings... Jevelry, apparel--- dat means clothes", he gave a wink, downplaying the intelligence of the women. They just gave a giggle of understanding in return. Schwartz continued with a charmingly deep tone.

"Vould you three like to see my... repertoire of items... firsthand?"

"First hand? What do you mean? Which one is the first hand?", Stacie quipped in a high pitch tone, holding out both hands helplessly. The man just laughed and shook his head.

"You are cute, I admit, Frauline"

Each of the girls felt sick to their stomach... and so did Ken, listening to every single word in the vehicle a block behind.

"I meant, vould you like to see my items in person? Kommen mit to perhaps buy zem? I vould zink that ladies of your... culture... could do vis some nice jevelry, nein?"

Barbie and the Spy Squad: Spies of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now