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"You should meet him." Her voice was slightly raspy, probably due to the fact that it was now almost one in the morning and we had been talking all day.

She told me that her dad left her at a young age, something I knew she didn't deserve. I ended up vaguely telling her that my dad had died when I was young and I was never close with my mother after that, speaking about it like I was simply reading a history textbook outloud.

I was glad she was here. Maybe things would be different now, although I wasn't quite sure while it felt safe to let myself confide in her so quickly, let alone at all.

"Who the hell are you talking about?" I looked at her in confusion while laughing.

"Barry, Barry Allen, childhood best friend, came here in coincidence... ring a bell?" She stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You haven't mention him in like hours and the conversation was in no way about him, how would I have known?!" At this point my laugh is uncontrollable as I watched Felicity realize I was entirely right.

After our laughter died down a little she spoke. "Okay but my point stands, you should meet him! He'll love you, you'll love him he's a sweetheart."

"Right now?" I looked down at my phone showing the time.

"Yes right now." She almost whined out.

"He's definitely asleep Felicity." I chuckled at how persistent she was about this.

"No he's not I promise." She said almost instantly to my response.

"Okay well Why do you want me to meet him so badly right now at one in the morning?" At this point I was about to give up, without understanding why it was so important to her right now.

"Because I'm his only friend, and he was my only friend, now I have you! I can't keep you all to myself now can I Caitlin?" Her smile was basically begging me to cave in.

Although I still didn't fully understand why she so badly wanted me to meet this Barry, I caved.

"Fine." My voice sounded rather deadpan in defeat.

"Really!?" The blonde shot up from the bed.

"Felicity hurry before I change my mind." Now she was basically dragging me out of my bed.

The walk wasn't as long as I thought it was be, we were only one building apart to this infamous Barry that I just had to meet.

It almost felt wrong to be out so late at night, part of me was waiting to be yelled at to go back to my dorm. Freedom wasn't something I was particularly experienced in.

We reached the dorm and Felicity went to knock but I grabbed her fist before she could.

"Okay seriously he's definitely asleep, and how do you think his brand new roommate will like two random people showing up at this time if he's in there too?" Now I sounded like Felicity, rambling on and on before she cut me off.

"Oh my sweet Caitlin, you think anyone would be that bothered with two hot girls knocking on their door in the middle of the night?" She smirked taking her fist and this time making contact with the door.

This girl would be the death of me, I already knew it.

The door crept open slowly and I could tell it was opening with hesitation, luckily I was just out of view of the half open door for me to be the culprit.

"Felicity!" A deep voice spoke with happiness to the sight of his blonde haired friend. She was right... he was up and was thrilled.

"Barry I am so thrilled to see you, okay let us come in." She hugged him quickly.

"Us?" He spoke again, the sound of his voice increasing my blood pressure.

Felicity grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into his view.

"Hi." He locked eyes with me, not quite sure what else to say.

"This is Caitlin! She's my roommate." Felicity spoke before I had the chance to say anything.

The way his eyes looked at me, like he was inspecting me, making sure he could let me in.

Something about him, his energy, I was latched. Latched out of interest to the emotions in his sea green eyes, latched from the way he stared at me.

I should have just let it go, maybe even walk away, I knew better then this. I knew not to get attached to anything, good or bad. That hit rather quickly after my dad died and I had been more than successful at staying on task.

I knew better, this feeling could only mean pain.

But instead I followed Felicity as she made her way into the dorm sitting on a faux leather couch rambling on about her day since they had last seen each other.

Watching him eye me down as he answered the girl and returned the same energy she was giving him. It's like his eyes were simply out of his mind, fixated on me, while his attention was on his friend's.

The blonde had made her way to the bathroom after barley taking any pause to breathe.

"You don't intimidate me you know." My voice was so low I wasn't even sure if I had spoken at all as he had yet to let go of my gaze.

"I don't what?"  I couldn't if he genuinely hadn't been able to hear me due to my low tone or if he was rhetorically asking in disbelief.

"Intimidate me, you don't intimidate me with all your staring." For some reason I gained confidence the second time.

"Intimidate you? That's a rather pathetic assumption-" I knew his sentence wasn't finished but frankly I couldn't care less.

"Then what the hell are you trying to accomplish." I wish I could say I was trying to avoid his gaze, not letting him win by infatuating me with his eyes, but my eyes were locked to his.

"Nothing, literally nothing." His tone was firm as confusion flowed its way through and then stupid bickering continued back and forth for a while.

I knew it was childish to let a prolonged glance escalate into something that should be nothing, and usually I wouldn't have batted an eye to someone staring at me, but something about him had me fucked.

"Let your insane idea go, it's nothing." He spoke his eyes still locked dangerously with mine, and for a moment I could have sworn he was just as mad at himself for letting his eyes stay on mine, like he couldn't help it.

"I have a really hard time believing that." I got up from the couch that had let my weight shape itself to my body.

"Listen to what I'm saying when I say nothing or you can just leave." His voice almost growled at me as he grabbed a hold of my hand to stop me from storming off. Clearly doubting him was something he didn't take very well.

"Then go ahead and let me leave, everyone else always does." My cheeks were burning hot as I yanked myself away from his soft grasp storming out without acknowledging Felicity who was now watching.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2022 ⏰

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