chptr 46

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Sometimes, during sleep, the heart slows down at an alarming rate. Because of this, the brain gives the body some sort of a jolt-like falling. It's a terrible, dreadful feeling, but it's the brain's way to make sure the heart doesn't stop completely. Waking up, the heart beats at a dizzying speed, and there's a feeling of impending doom, like it's been sickeningly close to death.

That was exactly how Calum felt in that span of time, reading the single text Leia had sent him.

Immediately sweat bloomed from his forehead and he jumped out of bed in a frenzy, rereading those seven words over and over again, willing them to rearrange themselves and tell him it's just his mind playing dirty tricks on him.

But blinking and wishing and willing never got him anywhere. Five minutes later his eyes were still burned into his phone. And every thought that crossed his mind were the equivalent to hell on earth.

He unconsciously stepped backward and knocked into his bedside lamp. It fell with a sickening crash, but he barely noticed it.

His door swung open moments later. "What the hell was that?" Luke stood by the doorway with a worried look.

"She talked to Anna," was all Calum said. He had a blank expression, wide eyed and confused, like he just can't believe what was happening right now.

Luke's jaw dropped slightly. His eyebrows knit together. "Let me see."

With a fixed frown the blonde boy analyzed the text message seriously, tilting his head to the side and stealing glances at his best friend, who had now sat on the edge of his bed with his hands covering his face. After a while Luke joined him, clapping a hand on his back reassuringly.

"She doesn't know it's been you all the time," Luke began. "Just that it wasn't her sister."

Calum didn't reply.

"But...I think it's time, Cal." Luke hesitated, like he didn't want to say the things that needed to be said. He chewed his lip. "I think it's time to tell Leia everything. You owe her that much."

"I know," Calum replied miserably. "I'm just...scared."

Luke sighed. "We all get a little scared sometimes."

"Yeah, but...maybe she won't find out after all. Maybe-"

"No maybe's," Luke said, suddenly taking on a serious, angry tone. "Do you hear yourself? You sound like a complete asshole. You have to think of the best for her. You need to stop being selfish. You need to own up to your fucking mistakes and just tell her the goddamn truth. What's gonna happen if she decides to trace your number? What's gonna happen when she finds out the guy she trusts the most has actually been lying to her the entire time they've known each other? I don't know about her but I'd be fucking pissed and I'd probably never talk to you again." He sighed again and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "If you love her, do the right thing and man the fuck up, Calum."

Calum stared at his best friend in a mixture of shock, terror, and awe. "Whoa."

"Sorry." Luke chuckled nervously. "I think I blacked out for a second there."

Calum pointed to his arms. "I actually have goosebumps right now."

"Shut up." But they were both smiling weakly, glad to have relieved some of the tension.

After a few quiet moments while they mulled over their own thoughts, Calum spoke up again. "You're right."

"I know."

Calum ignored his arrogance. "Being a boyfriend has made you wise beyond your years."

Luke couldn't control the snort that escaped him. "Thanks?"

They did that standard bro hug that, for some reason, all guys know how to do, and Luke left Calum to himself, bidding him good night and good luck on the things that were about to unfold in his life once he finally lifts the weight of secrets off his shoulders. Once he was alone Calum flopped down his bed and rubbed his eyes, cursing himself for letting his wrongdoings escalate this far.

That was the thing about loving someone. It made people want to erase the mistakes of their pasts.

An image of her popped into his head. The day he saw her in person for the first time. She was looking for something in her bag, the wind was whipping her hair. He was there looking stupid with an ice cream cone. He smiled when he remembered the way his face flushed and his heart started fluttering like crazy just by seeing her; when he realized everything he felt for her was real.

Another memory flashed before his eyes. That night at that party, when they had spent hours talking to each other. He thought she was the most beautiful thing that had ever graced the earth. In those hours he discovered just how real and how perfect she was in his eyes.

He thought about their first kiss: paint-splattered, sweaty, pure bliss. She was the girl who sent her a wrong message months ago, something he thought was just another random fluke in his life. But now, a few months and an emotional roller coaster ride later, he couldn't imagine life before her.

He closed his eyes and remembered everything else in between: watching her sleep, eating spaghetti with her, laughing over terrible jokes, holding her hand, tucking her hair behind her ears, playing hide-and-seek; the prank she pulled last month, picnics in the park, late night video calls, comfortable silences, their first kiss on their first date, that night in her room, giving her all those stuffed toys, kissing her in the dark-

His eyes fluttered open with a realization.

I can't live without her.

It was already late, but he sat up and opened his laptop anyway. The brightness blinded him for a moment. Once his eyes adjusted he quickly logged in.

The first thing he saw was her name, and that made his chest ache.

He took a deep breath and started typing slowly, letter by letter. This was it.

It was either the beginning, or the end.

Please don't let this be the end.

Calum Hood: Leia

Calum Hood: I have to tell you something.

a/n: oh man i really love this chapter

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