Chapter 9: The Draki Rings

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Caleb POV 

Caleb took time arming himself, just in case there would be a downfall to this mission. There was something satisfying about reloading the guns. Comforting about the smooth, cold touch of the weapon. He was sure that his brother could be reverted back. He believed he could. 

"Just listen to me, Nan." He told Nan, whose eyes were alert to his surroundings. Caleb had his eyes at the flying Daugars around the headquarters. "We can distract those Daugars." 

"How? Do you have something in mind?" Nan drew his eyebrows together.

The side of Caleb's lips curved into a mischievous grin. He hefted one flare bullet and a timer grenade. "This will do."

Zero POV 

Zero tried not to acknowledge the memory of the underground room. It was where his real father kept the Draki Rings. The stairs were concrete cement, so it was no problem for them. 

Though there were dusty from years that hadn't been cleaned. When they got down to the ground level, it felt nostalgic to him. Everything what Zero and his father did here felt like a dream to him. 

A repressed memory that was unlocked by his unconscious. He looked over the working tables and saw himself sitting on the stool, staring at the magic books intently. His father strolled over him. Then it all vanished. 

"It's amazing that you live like this." Ice said. 

"Why? I thought you don't want to live a poor life?"

If Ice was surprised or had some dark thoughts, he didn't show it. "Just because I'm rich doesn't mean I enjoy all the pleasures of life. Money can't really buy happiness, huh." Ice gazed at the test tubes and other laboratory equipments. "What's your father doing here anyway? Lots of laboratory apparatuses."

"He was a Green Alchemy." Zero said. "He is specialized in wizard medicine. He helped a lot of people here in the village. Especially those who had been poisoned by Elves and Faeries."

Ice had shown interest in his father. "I wish I could've met him. We had a lot in common. I want to specialize in medicine too."

Zero recalled the time when they were in high school, writing about their dream covens and sharing it to the class. He laughed at Ice at that time, and the two argued after class. Which caused them to run along the hallway, and bumped into a teacher. Eventually, they landed in the principal's office for their misbehavior. "You've always wanted to specialize in med, Ice."

Zero paused at the end of the dilapidated hallway.  There was a table with scrolls and invitations to parties at the headquarters. If his father had to hide anything, it would always be here. He looked around and found a poster of the resistance that once happened during the early 2000's. His attention was snagged by blue cardboard at the second table. He dropped to his knees and pulled the poster. There was a huge FOR THE NEW WORLD. protest sign on it. 

"Interesting" Zero whispered. He pushed the poster off table and then something clattered and whirred underneath his palm. He and Ice jerked away from the table that began to glow. The machine activated and six rings hefted in the air, its 15 crooked razors twirling. 

"Holy shit."  Ice glanced at Zero.  For a long time, he could only stare, his pulse pounding.

"The Draki Rings" Zero said, recognizing the rings. He scrambled over to touch them. It immediately sparkled blue. The metal itself were gold, inscribed in an unfamiliar language.

Wraith language. He remembered what his father said. "They said that it found its way to earth before the demons could plague the world when the Otherworld waged war with the gods. It was abandoned here." His eyes brightened up. "I remember what dad told me."

"If the rings falls in the wrong hands..." Ice was saying. 

"Not for long." Zero said in reply. "Not if I can wield these rings."

"Are you going to use them?" When Ice knew that look, he went on. "Oh. Oh, no, no, no, no."

"Ah yes." Zero smiled wide enough that his teeth slid over his bottom lip. He raised his hands and the rings glided over, three rings on each arm to evenly distribute strength. Zero felt his strength was enhanced. The tip of his fingers sparked with lightning.  "We'll drag this village to hell."

Nan POV 

Nan set the grenade on the ground and clicked the timer. 3 minutes before they can reach the headquarters. "This is for you, Chi." Caleb said before he raised the gun to the air. It occurred to Nan then that maybe Caleb wouldn't rip his head off if he should stay obedient. Caleb was nice but he will be one hell of a threat if you pissed him off. Nan's hardened arms into iron. "Come and get the flare, bitches."

The flare shot through the air, alarming the Daugars. They heard their roars from the headquarters.  They descended into the street, the gaps were small that they wouldn't be seen with their black cloaks. The Daugars flew across above them. By the time they reached the entrance of the headquarters, Nan's heart stopped. 

Caleb POV.

There were four Daugars guarding. They sneered upon seeing the two wizards in their vicinity. Caleb, with burning rage in his eyes, cut his wrist. The scent of his metallic blood crept into his nose. The red liquid crawled down his hands and formed into a shape of a big scythe. The wound immediately healed. Caleb tilted his head to the side, daring them. 

The Daugars lunged at him. He began swinging the scythe furiously as one of the monsters was already flying for him. Caleb sliced into the Daugar's cheek as it roared in agony. He hurtled the scythe and the Daugar was shoved into the sky.  

"Now what should we do?" Nan said, panicking. He managed to pin the monster to the ground. He punched its face, blood spraying over the walls. His eyes shot at Caleb as another Daugar leaped down, its arm smacked him to the ground. Blood and stones scraped on his cheek.

He rolled sideways to avoid a blow in his chest. The scythe was a few feet away from him. Caleb ran towards the scythe but the Daugar slammed into him, losing his focus. He was shuddering, gasping in agony. Nan was dealing with the other Daugar. 

The practice he had with his dad, with Third was still not enough. 

Use your senses in your advantage, no matter how strong the enemy is. Third said. 

But I'm not a Gunslinger! My classmates are bullying me because I only know how to cook.  Caleb used to say.

It's not bad if you know how to cook. It's a basic requirement. He saw in his head that Third smiled. You are a Starkthorn and a Gunslinger, you honor both strongest bloodlines. I have nothing against you if you choose to be a chef. But carry out the name you have. Show the world how strong you can be. 

A hideous ache was building in his muscles. But how can he be strong if he was so weak...even for this fight.  How can he be strong if he had committed so many mistakes?  After so many people he had hurt in the past? Maybe this is what I deserve. To die like this. 

If you still have the chance to redeem yourself. Do it. A glimpse of Luke flashed in his head. A friend of Caleb, who had died two years ago in the battle. It's never easy to forgive and to be forgiven. But If you think of giving up the process, then think of the reason why you've started. Why I believe in you. 

It's okay. You're not alone. Caleb's ears perked up as he heard a familiar voice. Tears silently flowed down his face as he saw Luke's spirit across the headquarters. Luke was smiling at him. I always got you. 

He wiped his tears away and raised his hand. The scythe flew home to his palm. I deserve...I deserve a second chance! Caleb promised.  He finally had control over the weapon he was trying to practice since he was 19. 

Caleb ran to the other direction. The Daugar followed. He backflipped over the wall and swung the scythe, slicing the Daugar's head. Caleb landed behind the monster. He looked around and watched it fall, the thud of its flesh was the only sound.

He slowed his breath.  

"P'." Nan's voice was a hoarse rasp. He sniffed. "That's—" Before he could continue, the bomb exploded.

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