Chapter 1. Chase

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Beechpaw sighed as he sat under his favourite oak tree.

His stomach continued to cry for food, as he once again, tried to convince himself, that soon, he will be able to eat better.

The hunger in Shadoclan would last his entire life, and he even forgot how is it to be full. The prey would simply not come back to their hunting grounds.

Once he became an apprentice, he couldn't get a normal meal, for all these moons, only because of Sandthroat.

Beechpaw was quite annoyed from his mentor's behaviour.

When he would want to get something from the pile, she would come and yell on him for taking away a possible meal of an elder.

Why is an elder more important then me?
He always thought.

He was filled with anger and hatred to his mentor.

It's unfair, I must starve to feed some stupid elder that can die any moment.

He was always forced to eat up leftovers that the picky elder's would refuse to eat.
He always hated these old mouse-brains, to be honest.

«It's unfair to let me starve.»

Beechpaw got up and quickly trotted to the fresh-kill-pile.
He carefully checked if Sandthroat isn't near.


His happiness didn't have an end when he ran up to the pile and grabbed a big squirrel.
Beechpaw quickly ran away from the pile and hid behind the oak tree next to the Meeting edge

He could feel his mind yelling: "Bite into it already! Eat it! Eat it!" as he hungrily bit into the squirrel's belly.

It felt so good.

He would quickly gulp the meat, watching out for other cats walking close to him.

Beechpaw quickly finished his meal
when he saw Sandthroat approaching.

"Good morning Beechpaw, I hope you are ready to train, because we are going now."

Sandthroat calmly spoke while staring at Beechpaw.

He wiped his mouth from squirrel's blood and followed his mentor as she trotted to the exit.

I wonder how she allowed herself to not yell on me for eating something.

Beechpaw looked around the camp as he slowly went after Sandthroat.
The cats around were barely moving and seemed to be really tired.
The whole clan barely ate anything in days.

Beechpaw felt a little guilt for eating that squirrel by himself, once he saw a very skinny, pale grey she-cat warrior, he could see her skinny long legs, he could even see her ribs.

He couldn't believe that, Sparkcloud, one of the best warriors, would starve herself like that.
She looked like a walking skeleton.

A slight shiver went down Beechpaw's spine and he turned away.

Well, I needed that squirrel more then anyone else...! I'm an apprentice anyway! I must get strength to train somehow, right?

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