Chapter 4. Untrust

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Beechpaw looked up at the sun that has finally woken up from it's slumber.
He always wondered where it goes and why, even though he knew those are the kind questions he would never get answers for.

Soon enough, one after another, warriors were waking up from their sleep, still sleepily walking out to taste the sunlight on their messy pelts.

The clouds in the sky began to light up too, at night, they weren't visible, however now, they begin to change color, from dark grey and blue, they transform into big and fluffy pieces of snow. Beechpaw had never seen snow, but his mother always told him that snow is a sparkling white gift from the sky in leaf-bare.

Snow is also a very cold gift. She said that snow is created from tiny white sparkles called snowflakes. If you look closely, you would see how pretty they are, how unique they are, but they would melt soon enough. It's a very short experience to watch.

He wished he could experience it soon too.

Beechpaw watched a familiar posture of Briarfur trot in his direction.

Beechpaw sighed, as he remembered his past mentor, Sandthroat, he didn't think he would miss her so much. Yes, of course, she was his first mentor, and he should've got very attached to her, but her cold personality never let him see her best traits, thus he never grew to like her...

"Hey Beech! Ready to go train today?" Briarfur called out as she walked up and then sat next to Beechpaw.

In the past few days a lot of things have changed. Beechpaw got a new mentor, Briarfur. His wounds healed rather quick and he didn't have the time to relax from his apprentice duties, but at least he could continue his training to become a warrior.

The clan has lost 6 members in such a short period of time. Sandthroat, Sparkcloud, Duckkit, Thornkit, Harekit, and Cranefoot. It appears that Cranefoot, the last remaining elder, has starved himself to death to leave more fresh kill for the younger cats, more specifically apprentices. Beechpaw actually felt like Cranefoot was the best elder of all that have lived together with him. (Mostly because he wasn't just a picky elder that cant munch on bird legs).

ShadoClan wasn't going to survive with such amount of mouths to feed, Beechpaw knew it for sure.

Jaystar himself announced that the darkest times will be arriving to ShadoClan. The darkest of all.

Beechpaw started hearing of creepy rumors about some cats wanting to resort to killing the weakest to consume them, if the prey won't come back soon.

Beechpaw was terrified from the thought of what his clan could become if the hunger doesn't go away. Warriors killing off weak kits. Warriors mauling apprentices for mistakes in training. Warriors killing each other for not doing their duties right.

The horrifying thoughts just wouldn't leave his mind.

"Beechpaw? Is everything okay?"

Beechpaw shook his head to just stop thinking of all the bad things. He needed to focus on finishing his apprenticeship.
No matter what obstacles will lay on his path.

"Yeah. Everything is fine."

Beechpaw answered as he finally zoomed back into reality.

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