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Chapter 10.2 Watching Fireworks In The Wilderness (Part 2)

  Sang Yuanyuan said slowly: “It’s alright. He is one of us. The situation has changed. Immediately prepare to break through the portal. “

  You Wuming half-joking and half-seriously said: “As soon as the fireworks are set off, you all will run for your own lives. Don’t look back. You may die when you turn back.”

  Sang Yuanyuan noticed that his voice had become much rougher.

  At the moment, Aunt Ling and others also noticed the dark and tide-like large troops behind them.

  ”Princess! Even if this subordinate has to sacrifice my life, I will surely be able to protect Princess! ” Aunt Ling’s face was full of resistance. “This person……is not from our Sang state! This subordinate is not at ease! “

  Sang Yuanyuan gently shook her head: “That’s it. Staying alive is the first priority. When you see my Royal Father, tell him I’m fine and I’ll be back later. “

  Aunt Ling still wanted to persuade again but Sang Yuanyuan raised her hand, gently and softly said with determination, “Han Shaoling’s scheming is too deep. You all must try to persuade my Royal Father for me. Don’t ever act impulsively, so as not to leave any weakness that others could grasp on.”

  You Wuming smiled with satisfaction, grabbed her arms and lightly swept her up.

  Hundreds zhang away in the thick and tall grasses, there lies a common cloud beast. He took her by the waist, rode on the cloud beast, and went to meet the army behind them.

  Soon, they arrive in the vicinity.

  The troops before her eyes are well trained and their movements are silent. They happened to stop in a location where they wouldn’t be found nor would they let the fish escape from the net.

  Obviously it’s not the kind of interception troops that were dispatched in a hurry.

  So when did Han Shaoling find out that she wanted to escape? He deliberately let her off till outside of Julin Pass, that is to lead King Sang to pass through the portal, so that he could catch a fault!

  Sang Yuanyuan felt ice-cold from head to toe.

  The more frightened she was, the more she tightened her back and made herself sit upright.

  Behind her was You Wuming’s chest. He held the reins in one hand, and his other arm was put loosely around her waist. His breath was blowing from time to time over the top of her hair with an icy-cold temperature.

  ”You know,” he said, leaning his head and whispering in her ear, “A lot of people want you.”

  ”But they are not pure-minded.” As if coaxing, he whispered in a soft voice, “What they want is not only you, but also the benefits. I’m not the same. I want you, exactly you, your person. Alive or dead, both are fine. You see, this is what ‘like’ really is.”

  Sang Yuanyuan only felt that her back was cold.

  While he spoke, he already carried her to the front of the pursuing troops.

  ”Who is it?”

  The light from the fire fleeted across quickly and lit up Sang Yuanyuan’s face.

  You Wuming flicked his hand and threw that piece of blood-tainted command token that he had just washed clean inside her carriage to the other side’ Leader.

  The Leader took over the silver token, looked at it and hurriedly saluted: “Fifteenth General!”

  Who Han Shaoling wanted to kill were those people from Sang state, not his own wife. In this operation, the one who was in charge of stealing Sang Yuanyuan is precisely this one who comes and goes like a shadow, that never showed his true face to others, Han Fifteenth.

  Everything was exactly as planned. The Leader let out a sigh of relief. Next, all they need to do is just reaping the heads.

[1] Transmigrating into a Short-lived White Moonlight, had a HE with the VillainWhere stories live. Discover now