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Chapter 30.8 A Magical Sense Of Security

When her eyes catch a glimpse of a dark shadow, her wrist is suddenly caught.

“Little Mulberry, is this how you look after a patient? Well?”

His voice seemed as if he was short of breath, but his tone was ferocious and domineering.

You Wuming had woken up!

At this moment, Sang Yuanyuan was like a balloon that was filled with the air of courage and inflated suddenly.

She suddenly raised her head to stare at the top of the canopy and found that there was nothing on it.

She looked at the black gauzed screen again, and faintly saw the outline of a well closed box.

“You Wuming” She flattened her mouth and looked at him, “Inside this hall of yours, is there a ghost?”

He stared at her like he was seeing a ghost. After a long time, he said quietly : “If I die because of your stare, there will be one.”

Sang Yuanyuan :“……”

She stared at the freshly awakened patient.

“The next time you are going to do self healing, can you let me know first?”

“Alright.” His complexion looked very bad, probably because of the light.

She hesitated for a moment, but still opened her mouth: “Just now, I accidentally discovered Jiang Jinpeng.”

You Wuming half squinted his long and narrow eyes, and said lazily, “Hmm. Is he dead? “

“I originally didn’t know if it was considered as dead or not, but after I saw him, he died.” Sang Yuanyuan couldn’t help but complain inside her heart. Was this a damned Jiang Jinpeng of Schrodinger’s[1]?

He chuckled softly: “Did he die because of your stare?”

She didn’t answer. She put her head in her hands and looked at him, looked left and looked right.

He closed his eyes and put his big hand on her eyes: “What else do you see?”

“A beautiful puppet.” Sang Yuanyuan said, “Wearing a string of amber prayer-beads. Only a glimpse. If it was something that shouldn’t be asked, then don’t tell me. Anyway, I know nothing at all.”

You Wuming :“……”

He moved his eyelids and stared at her amusedly.

“Little Mulberry, are you thinking about something weird again inside your head?”

He stretched out his hand, pulled her to his side to lay down and pressed his big icy-cold hand heavily on the side of her face.

He tilted over a small part of his body, staring into her eyes, assumed a serious attitude and said: “Don’t make a random guess, it’s a weapon.”

“Ah. Weapon huh?” She blankly nodded, “Oh!”

A weird smile rose from the corner of his lips: “This is my secret, the secret that only you alone know. If you dare to speak it out, you will surely die. “


He narrowed his eyes: “Little Mulberry, I think that you are being perfunctory.”

She leaped forward and kissed his displeased mouth.

Things such as using appearance to obtain benefits, she was already skillful.

After a few more kisses, it is true that there will be a sense of belonging. She felt that only this person in front of her could make her kiss directly without having any unpleasant feeling inside. Even if he’s sick. And also, a very sick one.

Just kissed, and kissed again, then she becomes accustomed to it.

When the breathing becomes quick, You Wuming grabbed her shoulders and pushed her away.

He panted heavily and forcibly suppressed his cough, which in turn made his cheeks flush.

After a long time, he said badly, “Do you want to use the Lotus Rouge now?”

His long eyes were slanted and his gaze was dangerous.

For a while, Sang Yuanyuan’s brain made up the image of him leaning on top of her body while exerting his strength and vomiting blood at the same time. The corner of her mouth twitched and she quickly retracted back into the quilt. She politely smiled and said : “Sleep.”

Since he woke up, the gloomy atmosphere in this hall has disappeared. The heavy dark blue color, only felt dignifiedly reversed. Even Duan Ming no longer digs anymore.

What a magical sense of security.

[1] In simple terms, Schrödinger stated that if you place a cat and something that could kill the cat (a radioactive atom) in a box and sealed it, you would not know if the cat was dead or alive until you opened the box, so that until the box was opened, the cat was (in a sense) both “dead and alive”. For more detailed info.

[1] Transmigrating into a Short-lived White Moonlight, had a HE with the VillainWhere stories live. Discover now