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Chapter 10.3 Watching Fireworks In The Wilderness (Part 3)

  You Wuming continued to use a slightly hoarse fake voice and said, “Madam, I have brought her out. I will return with her first.”


  You Wuming coldly ordered: “Go. Kill all those people from Sang state.”


  The whole army cheered uniformly, jumped on the cloud beasts and charged towards the front.

  Tens of thousands of hooves galloped, like the wind and thunder running over by one’s side, leaving nothing but dust.

  Sang Yuanyuan stayed still.

  ”Eh?” You Wuming leaned his body over, lifted her chin with his index finger, and asked in surprise, “Why don’t you cry or make a fuss? Just now, I even thought that if you cried or screamed, I’ll sew your mouth later. “

  The expression in his eyes looked somewhat disappointed.

  Sang Yuanyuan : “……” This is a real lunatic.

  She said softly : “King You will do what he says. He has promised to save people, he will definitely accomplish it.”

  He narrowed his eyes slightly, and his voice brought along laughter : “Oh, then I often say that I want to conquer Tiandu and kill Jiang Yanji. Do you think……I can accomplish it? “

  Jiang Yanji, this name, has disappeared from the Cloud Realm for many years.

  Now when people mention that rare woman, they will only call her “Emperor”.

  Sang Yuanyuan looked at his dark but deep eyes and answered really seriously : “I think you are not strong enough now. You have to wait a little longer.”

  His eyes were hardly ever filled with real surprise. After a while, he laughed and muttered: “No wonder you dare to say that you like me. So, you are also very sick. All right, these people, I’ll save them. I originally just wanted to randomly let one or two of them run away……”

  Only saw his wrist flipped and a handful of little jade beads appeared on the palm of his hand. Under the moonlight, it emitted a sparkling green light.

  It’s a rune used for communication.

  He slowly closed his five fingers and the jade beads rubbed and squeezed against each other, making a clear and crisp sound of a jade breaking into pieces, as if popping beans.

  A rustle of powder with green light, flowing along his fingers.

  A deep and low roar rang through the fields one after another.

  Without turning the head, one was able to see the flames that shoot up to the sky.


  You Wuming laughed happily, pulls the reins and takes her back to look.

  In the dark and tide-like large troops, as if flowers were blooming, the cloud beasts were blasted into the sky one after another. It turns into big round balls of fire that are burning with orange light.

  In the dark and open wilderness, fireworks really were set off one after another.

  Julin Pass was alarmed and countless fires were lit on the gate tower. The sound of the gate opening could be heard from a distance.

  You Wuming took out another handful of jade beads and placed them in Sang Yuanyuan’s palm.

  ”Try it.” Somewhat pleased with himself, he egged her on.

  A big icy-cold hand wrapped around the back of her hand, held her five fingers tightly and slowly closed them.

  The green light shows through the fingers, and the fireworks in front become more brilliant.

  ”It’s fun, right?” He leaned in her ear, his tone relaxed and carried a damp smile, as if showing off some toys.

  ”You made it the first night you arrived in the Capital of Han, right?” Sang Yuanyuan tried her best to keep her voice calm.

  You Wuming’s movement paused, his chest trembled lightly and answered with a “Hmm” sound.

  On that day, a series of things made Han Shaoling badly battered, the usually calm and rational King, thoroughly indulged himself that night. Nestled inside the Wuji Courtyard with Meng Wuyou, engaged in a fierce battle for a whole night. Then sent all of his personal bodyguards to Huiyun Courtyard to protect Sang Yuanyuan, in case You Wuming really came to the door and stole the person away.

[1] Transmigrating into a Short-lived White Moonlight, had a HE with the VillainWhere stories live. Discover now