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Chapter 19.3 Why Should It Be Special?

  Her cry attracted one of the underworld demons lying under the black iron defense frame. It stealthily sneaked towards her, suddenly stuck out its long tongue and curled her ankle!

  ”Ahhhhhhhh!” Meng Wuyou screamed heartbreakingly.

  The barb pierced into the skin, and the nearby soldier quickly turned back to cut off the underworld demon’s tongue for her. Unexpectedly, behind him, another underworld demon stuck out its long tongue and hooked the soldier’s neck.

  The barb plunged into the blood vessels and airway. The soldier’s eyes bulged and his mouth opened in despair. Blood gushed out from his mouth.

  The underworld demon’s tongue was cut off and the soldier fell.

  Meng Wuyou was dumbfounded for a while, then rushed to the soldier’s still twitching body, constantly shaking him.

  ”Don’t die! Don’t die! I beg you all, please come and save him, save him!”

  She indeed didn’t care about her still bleeding ankle.

  Sang Yuanyuan naturally noticed this scene.

  She went a little further away from Meng Wuyou.

  This kind of biological daughter who is favored by heaven, for others, is a great disaster star——being friendly to her, will be dragged down by her; wanting to kill her, that’s even worse. Just by looking at the fate of countless cannon fodder in history then one will know.

  The best thing is to stay far away from it, be completely isolated from each other all their lives.

  The blade of the sword in her hand had become blunt and she was about to change it. Suddenly, You Wuming swooped down lightly like a big black butterfly and handed her a slightly smaller sword.

  ”Not allowed to die,” he threatened. “If you dare to die, I’ll be the first to take the lead in destroying Sang state.”

  ”Do not destroy Sang state!” Sang Yuanyuan gasped for breath, with both her hands leaned on her knees and looked up to stare at him.

  You Wuming smiled happily: “If you are not dead.”

  ”Deal!” Sang Yuanyuan took the sword, slapped his hand away, turned around and ran back to the battlefield.

  He stood in place, a smile that he had never known of, appeared on the corners of his lips.

  ”You Wuming!” Han Shaoling’s shout came from afar, “You are about to lose!”

  You Wuming lowered his head and somewhat smiled.

  In order to find her a suitable weapon, he really delayed a lot of time.

  His long eyes slanted and his sight drifted toward Han Shaoling, full of disdain.

  ”I will get serious then.”


  Night fell.

  A lamp with cold flame was put on the long spear, its light reflected on the whole wall with a pale white color.

  Although the cold flame will attract more underworld demons, but the casualties of fighting in the dark will be more alarming.

  If faced with two disadvantageous options, one should choose the lighter one. In any case, defending the gate, the number of underworld demons which were able to charge till the frontline was only that much. As long as they cannot get across the black iron defense frame, there will be no big trouble.

  The real crisis is when the ’Return Tide’ comes.

  The rebel who occupied the inner Great Wall did not stop the underworld demons. He preserved his strength and wholeheartedly wanted to kill Han Shaoling and You Wuming.

  The front wave of the underworld demons has crossed the inner Great Wall and rushed inland. Although they will be completely eliminated sooner or later, but before that, they will certainly bring great disaster to the inland’s people.

[1] Transmigrating into a Short-lived White Moonlight, had a HE with the VillainWhere stories live. Discover now