Chapter 1

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6 Years Ago~

Somewhere late at night, just off a pier stood an amusment park called Wonder Wharf. It was a pretty quiet night with nothing suspicious going on at all. 

Except at one carny booth where two unidentified men seemed to be having some kind of scuffle. It ended when the sound of a gunshot went off, killing one of the men...

Present Day~

"Wait, I'm confused... You want us to do what?" Kali asked. 

We are shown adventure girl, Kali Harpercop, in her room having gotten an unexpected visit from her time sorcerer teacher, Albert. 

"I want you guys to postpone your family vacation and head to Seymour's Bay to help save a failing restaurant from closing for good" Albert replied. But things still didn't sound clear for Kali. 

"We can't just drop our vacation we've been planning for over 5 months now and leave" The adventure girl said. 

"Oh, please, you're taking a trip to grandma's house. It's not like she'll remember anything" Albert scoffed about the Harpercops vacation plans. 

"What's going on?" The twins walked in, being the nosy younger siblings they were. 

"Albert wants us to cancel our trip to grandma's to help some lame restaurant from closing" Kali told her siblings. 

"What kind of restaurant?" Ann asked. 

"Apparently they sell burgers" Kali told her sister on what Albert told her. 

"I do like burgers" Brock admitted, before turning to Albert asking. "But why can't you do it yourself?"

"I told you, unauthorized Time Lords are forbidden to mess with anything within the human world. And you know I can't ask the other adventure kids, they're already off on other missions" Albert explained. 

Kali, Brock, and Ann all gave their immature time sorcerer teacher that annoyed look. 

"Look, it's on the way to your grandma's anyway. All you gotta do is take one short little detour, save the restaurant, then you can get back to your dumb family vacation. Simple" Albert explained. 

"Oh, and you can't tell your parents" Albert then mentioned. 

The Hapercop siblings looked at each other, being uncertain about all this. They didn't like having to lie to their parents. And they were especially getting tired of filling in all these favors for Albert. 

Albert sighed, now getting serious with them. "Look, how long have we known each other?" The still in training time sorcerer asked. 

"Since you first stupidly revealed yourself to us, which we weren't suppose to find out about and your family threatened to destory all of existence?" Kali replied in sarcasm. 

"Okay, we'll skip that" Albert said. "The point is..."

"The guys who own this restaurant, this family... They're good people. Especially the wife, she's super attractive. They're also... not the brightest. And they're prone to bad luck. Which is why I overheard the Time Lords talking about erasing them from existence by closing their restaurant for good. I don't know how but they plan to unless you guys stop it from happening"

"Please, guys" Albert was now on his knees, begging. "As your friend, pleeeease save this family!"

The Harpercop siblings looked at each other in silence for a few moments. 

Albert then looked to them, asking. "How was that for my heart to heart speech?"

Brock clicked his tongue. "Not very convincing" He admitted. 

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