When you fall for them

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Raph :D

You walked into the lair with a sigh, your school schedule got changed, again!? You had PE last period, it was hot at the end of the day. More than usual, you were sweaty and you had zero water. I mean you weren't prepared to have PE now.

You walked in and flopped on the nearest soft thing near you, which was a bunch of pillows near the entrance. You didn't know why they were there nor did you care.

You almost fell asleep when you felt a tap on your shoulder, you groaned and sat up to see raph there with a concerned look. "y/n, are you ok?" raph said more concerned than you've ever heard.

You chuckled "yeah im fine, just tired" you said in a groggy voice. "are you sure? You look half...dead" he said muttering the last part not trying to insult you. "ohh, yeah. I know i look terrible" you said with a chuckle while standing up.

You almost fell over completely, your legs just gave out. Raph caught you by your armpits and lifted you up. "what happened, I've never seen you like this" raph said raising an eyebrow, "i had my schedule changed and PE was killer, i just want to go to bed." you said letting your head flop to one shoulder.

Raph blushed a bit, and found it adorable when you did that. Even though you might have been suffering internally, you smiled as he sat you down gently.

Raph sat down next to you and you subconsciously leaned on his arm, you snuggled into his warmth as raph blushed a bit more and looked a way.

You felt him rest his hand on your head and felt...so...safe. You've never felt completely safe around someone before, you've always had your guard up no matter what. You felt comforted and not, alone, you loved it.

You loved him, wait...YOU WHAT WHO!? Oh dear, you're in love with raph.


Leo :)

You never actually thought you would fall for anyone, especially a mutant turtle. You were a robot, feelings were programmed into you. Or so you thought, i guess possessing a robot does give you some form of feeling.

You both were hanging out on a random rooftop after another ride around the city on your motorcycle. You picked up some pizza on the way for leo and he DEVOURED the box in minutes.

Leo was going on and on over whatever while you played around with a rock and looking at the sky. You were tuning leo in and out but all focus was lost when you failed to catch the rock and it hit you in the head.

You yelped and grabbed the top of your head, "Ow! What the hell! God im a dumbass, son of a bitch ow." you said in pain. Lets say that was a heavy rock.

Leo went into a laughing fit that caught you off guard, all of the pain left for a moment as you looked at him. He was suddenly prettier, more than usual. It was like time stopped for you as you felt you slightly overheat.

You mentally slapped yourself. As you rubbed the place the rock hit you. "ugh, that hurt a bunch. Holy shit am I bleeding?" you said looking at the bit of blood on your hand.

Leo stopped laughing and looked at you "heh- OH GOD YOU ARE BLEEDING!" he shouted looking at you. Blood was running down your face by now and leo had pulled out a first aid kit.

You don't really have blood, you have an oil and ink based liquid that runs some of your components. (No you don't have a heart, just an "engine" but ill just call that your heart). Leo wrapped up your head and sighed.

"You scared me y/n" leo said with a concerned look on his face. "my bad, that rock must have cut me, i didn't think it was that sharp" you said picking up the rock.

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