When you get hurt

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The picture on top has me sobbing  ´ᯅ'


Raph :D

Minor injuries:
If you got a scrape of bumped your head he'd make sure you weren't bleeding and kiss the place where you got hit.

If you were bleeding a bit he'd  panic 0-10000000000000 real quick. he'd probably scramble and run to the first aid, probably break something on his way and get you a quick bandaid.

Major injuries:
If you thought a scrap was bad? Well then good luck, if you got shot, stabbed, face sliced open, lost a finger, broken bones, whatever it was didn't matter.

The poor boy has severe anxiety and the thought of losing you would crush him :( , he'd take you to donnie immediately and have you fixed up. Once he knew you'd be alright He'd Absolutely beat the breaks off of the enemy who divided to fuck around and find out.

And ill tell you, the enemy found out


Leo :)

he has a first aid kit on him at all times, he'd just pop up with a band aid if you were bleeding. If not he'd find an ice pack quickly and just let you be. Maybe kiss your cheek before doing whatever

The more you explained to leo how your robotic body worked the more he realized how human-like you actually were. You couldn't die unless your body was completely destroyed but if you went through an emergency shut down the likeness of you losing all your memories and having your ghost to be unwittingly released was really high.

Leo didn't want anything coming close to that, he'd portal you out of there in a heartbeat and made sure donnie wasn't hurting you while repairing you. Hed be with you throughout your recovery bringing you whatever you needed.


Donnie <3

they'd  probably grin at you before helping you, and hand you a bandaid before they got some disinfectant and cleaned the scratch. If you just bumped your head on something they'd ask if you were ok and move on. They knew that you'd be alright.

If you thought donnie wasn't protective, then you were wrong. The second you were down they were by your side, they'd use their mystic tech to block off where you both were and see how bad your wound was.

They'd tell the others to cover them before taking you to a safe place and treating your wound, would call you nicknames and sweet pet names when you had to fight through the pain.

If any enemy got in their way of saving you or healing you would be knocked out before they had a chance to get to you both. You were going to make it out alive donnie was sure of it.



He'd cover your scratch or what you hit with kisses and take you to the bathroom to clean you up. He Makes sure you have a drink of water after, if you were bleeding he would make you rinse it under water.

Whoever hurt you would be flown into the next wall in seconds, yeah you could heal yourself but even if you could or couldn't from overuse of magic or exhaustion he'd take you to donnie.

Was a panicked mess, he wouldn't stop saying how it was his fault till you managed to tell him otherwise. wouldn't leave your side and got whatever you needed


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