5 - Fanglan

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It was a Monday morning, children were heading to school and parents to work. In Fang, this was no different. It seemed that nothing would change, until now.

Frown: "Alright everyone, I want all of you to get your guns and outfits for today."

"Today is the day that determines how this whole rebellion will turn out. I want you to hop on a vehicle and don't start until I say so. I also want five of you to come with me."

Five rebels agreed to come with Frown. The rest of the quartet waited for the signal to start. The five rebels including Frown went to a riot to observe what was going on. Some rioters bashed against the shields of some soldiers. One rebel grabbed their gun, aimed, and killed an officer.

The crowd of protesters were in shock. The soldiers were too.

Frown prepared his vocal cords and said "Now!"

The rebels hopped on the vehicles with some running behind and drove to where Frown was. They arrived in minutes. Upon seeing the tanks, the protesters made way for the tank. As some people knew Frown's plan and told others about it. The government forces only had pistols to arm themselves with. It was no match for the battle rifles and heavy machine guns the rebels had. They immediately called reinforcements and informed their higher ups of the attack.

Frown got off the tank and helped on the ground, since the tank was slow. The pro-Doom forces were wiped like germs on a surface. The citizens helped carry out the attack with their fists and knives.

Frown: "We've got some more company!"

Gwen armed the gun which took out the soldiers. They drove more west while other soldiers occupied the north and south of the city.

Falconshark: "I see two more batches of destruction loyalists heading this way."

Emily: "No problem for us at least."

The groups that came were armed with better weapons but weren't able to push them back. The sounds of artillery and air strikes filled the air as the city became struck with violence. Frown held a Frownesian flag of his family's regime and started waving it around to show a sense of patriotism and disloyalty to the Doom Lords.

This was the flag.

Frown: "Drive, drive, drive!"

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Frown: "Drive, drive, drive!"

Gwen: "Heh, Nothing can stop us now!"

Emily: "Well, we can't stop now. There is no turning back.

The quartet and some other fellow rebels kept heading west to the Fanglanan border.


Let's see what Brock is doing now.

Brock: "Oh my God chat! I found seven blocks of ancient debris!"

"Wait, is that a ghast?"

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