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Tripled my allowance? That was amazing. That meant I could stay in school, longer than planned if the new figure was here to stay. I thanked him and checked my account balance and the money laid there, staring me in the face. I was going to order an egg roll and a bottle of water but I changed my mind and ordered a place of Rice and a bottle of fanta. As they would say, man only lives once.

After my lunch, I headed back to my lecture hall for the rest of my classes and when I was done, I headed back to my apartment, hoping to catch some sleep before I got down to reading. I was laying down in my bed when I heard the doorbell. There was nobody home except me and I wasn't expecting anybody so I decided to ignore it for the first time. It came again. I rolled my eyes and I stood up to get the door. I peeped through the peephole and saw her, my heart started to race. I ran back into my room, changed my shirt, sprayed my cologne in excess, combed my hair and even washed my face and dried it. The door bell came again and I went to open the door. It was Fiyin

Fiyin was Feyi's you get sister. She was the one person Feyi lived more than himself. Feyi literally gave her everything she wanted and he protected her like he was her father. She ould go clubbing and shopping with Feyi's credit card and would spend until she got tired. She wore revealing dresses and didn't care if anybody didn't approve. Fiyin was what you could consider one of the main girls on campus. She was everything you could want in a girl. She had a nice shape and she was well groomed. To top it all, she was beautiful.

"I have been at the door since!" She yelled at him
"Fiyin, I'm sorry. I was actually asleep" he lied
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up or shout at you. I just don't like standing outside" she said
"It's fine. C'mon in. At least you're here. You might as well help this poor boy cook something because I'm hungry as hell and if I cook anything, it's poison in progress" he said

She laughed but she agreed to cook

"Is Feyi still in school?" She asked
"I don't know. He didn't come home last night and I didn't see him in school either. I can't even see him in school except by some miracle. Our departments are very far from each other"
"I thought he normally picks you up after class"
"Some times" Campbell said
"Interesting. Anyways, I'd prepare lunch now and maybe wait for Feyi because I can't leave without seeing him"
"Hope nothing is wrong?" He asked
"Nothing is. It's just this lecturer that is disturbing me"
"A lecturer is disturbing you? I don't understand. Why is the person disturbing you?" Campbell asked
"The usual stuff. When they see what they like, they want to have it" she said
"Does that still happen?" He asked, shocked
"Yes it does. You just don't know about it"
"You should report this to the school authorities. This is abuse"
If I report him, he will fail me and I can't fail. I can't carry over. The sooner I'm done in this school, the better for everybody" she said
"And what do you plan on doing till then? Enduring him?" Campbell asked
"He wouldn't be teaching me after this year. Just a couple of months more"
"If it's not a big deal, why do you need Feyi in this situation then?" Campbell asked him
"I just want him to scare him off for a while. It'll keep him off my back" she said
"And who is this lecturer?"
"Mr Gideon" she said
"The same Mr Gideon that heads the house of revelation ministry fellowship?" He asked, shocked to his cores
"Yes, that one. It makes me wonder what Christianity really is. Right now, it's just some hypocritical bullshit and I am not interested in it" she said

Campbell was ready to argue with her that she was wrong and just because one or two christians were bad doesn't mean all of them were but he held his tongue

"I hope it works out" he said as he headed for the living room of their apartment that was well furnished, all thanks to Feyi

He sat there and thought about what she said. It bothered him that someone was disturbing her for sex and all sorts. He hated lecturers like that and he was going to make sure that feyi dealt with him severely. By the time Fiyin was done cooking, he had slept off on the couch. She took the food into the living room and dropped it on the table. She pulled out her phone and took a picture of him. She had been attracted to Campbell since day one. Since the first time she laid her eyes on him, she had wanted him but she was in a relationship with one of Feyi's friends and she had lost interest in the relationship. She just wasn't into him every since Campbell walked into her life. She decided to wake him up and she touched him gently on his thigh.

"Campbell? The food is ready" she said to him when he opened his eyes.
"Oh, thank you" he said. "Is Feyi back?" He asked her
"Not yet. I already called him though and he said he was stuck in traffic. I don't know why he keeps driving. He'll get noticed by the wrong people" Fiyin said
"And I don't think that has ever been a big deal for Feyi. Whether he drives around or not, he will always get noticed by everybody. There's no big deal" Campbell said

She looked at him, disagreement written boldly on her face but Campbell didn't care. That was the truth, that was how Feyi lived

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