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After the conversation with Feyi, he went to his room. Feyi had a valid reason for not wanting to see Buchi and Campbell understood hit what Campbell realized that Feyi was too angry to see was the fact that Buchi wasn't going to be around much longer. The earlier they get to talk things out, the earlier they can all move on from all that happened. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and it rang. He looked at it, Wunmi. He groaned at the sight of her name. What did she want now? His mind rang?

"Hey, what's going on?" He said as he picked up the call
"I've been trying to reach you for days. You have not been picking up my calls. Did I do something wrong?" She asked
"I have been busy and now, I have picked up the call. What is wrong?" He asked her
"I don't understand. Are we good? Did I do something wrong?" She asked
"Wunmi, is this why you're calling me? I am extremely busy and I don't have time for unnecessary questions. Just go straight to the point" he said
"Okay, I'm pregnant"
"For who?" Campbell asked
"What is that supposed to mean?" She asked him
"Wunmi, you didn't tell me that part of your problems was understanding English. You said you are pregnant and I'm asking, for who?"
"For you! It was you I slept with last. There is nobody else. After we had sex, I decided to be devoted to one person so stop asking me stupid questions. I don't know if you're finding this funny but I am not" she said
"Okay what?"
"What do you want me to say? I said okay. I would think about it?"
"Campbell? Are you crazy? Are you insane? In talking about a whole baby here and you're telling me that you would think about it?"
"Why are you acting like it's a big deal? Wunmi, is this the first baby you're aborting? Please, stop making a big deal of this. I don't even think the baby is my own but since you insisted, I didn't argue. Send me your account number and how much you would need to get rid of it" he said

She hung up. He tossed his phone to the other side of his bed and got up. He knew he was being mean to her but he didn't want her to think he was entertaining a baby now. There was no way he could keep up with a baby. He was still in college for Pete's sakes. Besides, he was sure that he pulled out of her so why the whole baby drama? He decided to wait till the next day before giving her a call again. He called her the next morning and she wasn't picking up. He decided to let it be.

The next couple of weeks moved on fine. He got busy with school and things started to fall in place for him again. They moved into another apartment, just the both of them and life was really convenient. Feyi took care off all their bills and he said he would and life got pretty comfortable until it wasn't. Campbell started to get greedy. He wants cool with Feyi settling his bills anymore. He wanted his own money. He wanted to do more, to be more. He saw Buchi's side of the story and he saw a lot of sense in it but he knew he couldn't divulge into rituals. His mother would kill him if he tried to. He decided to talk to Feyi about his new problem. He waited till it was weekend before finally opening up to him

"There is something I want to talk to you about" he said when they were both in the sitting room
"Yeah, what's wrong?" He said, not looking up from his laptop
"Everything. I want to make money. I can't keep living off you"
"I don't understand. Did I complain?"
"No, you didn't and I don't need you to complain but I just want you to teach me the basics of this "yahoo"  thing. I would learn the rest myself" he said
"You want me to teach you fraud? Campbell, are you serious?" Feyi asked him
"I am serious. Have I ever brought something like this to you? I am serious" Campbell said
"I can't teach you fraud. I can't ruin your innocence. I can't ruin your life that way. I can give you half a million and get you started in forex but to teach you fraud, I can't do that. Fraud takes something from people. That thing is called conscience. I can't let you do that, kill your conscience. Give me a few days. I would gather enough capital for you to set you up with forex and Bitcoin. You can earn your money from there but from fraud, count me out" he said

Campbell sighed and stood up. He didn't know what he would do without Feyi. Feyi didn't want him to go on the wrong path. Ever since Feyi came across him, he had genuinely loved him and cared for him. He treated him like a younger brother and did everything for him

"Do you need anything else?" Feyi asked him
"Not really"
"Pocket money?"
"I don't need it, Feyi. I just want to be independent"
"Since that is what you want, let's make you independent. I would sign you up with one of my friends that can teach you forex. You would have to change your laptop" Feyi said
"I can't afford a new one now"
"Back up what you need on your email. I can sell your laptop and then add more money to get you a MacBook" he said
"You want to get me a MacBook?"
"A MacBook pro but that is by the way side. I can't just let you do fraud so I would link you up. By next month, you can start trading and start making your own money" Feyi said

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