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"I don't understand. Is this supposed to scare me?" Feyi said

Campbell looked at him and smiled.

"It doesn't scare you that somebody we have been staying with for almost two years is into rituals? Bobo yii. Aye melo lo ro pe oni? Isn't he supposed to be the christian in our midst? Always calling down fire and brimstone from the heavens every morning before the crow of the cock?" Campbell said
"Kini? Nothing can happen to me. I am more powerful than you think. As for you Buchi, this is where you pack your bags and you leave this house because I can't let you stay here again!" Feyi said

Those words were barely out of his mouth when the police came in and took Buchi before opening the door and finding the body of Fiyin's course mate which was already swelling. They took the body away

For the next couple of weeks, Feyi, Fiyin and Campbell had to go down to the station to give a statement. Campbell was scared to his bones. The last thing he wanted was any form of trouble with the school authorities. He could afford getting expelled. Feyi said he could no longer stay in the house so he started to look for a new apartment. Campbell wasn't so sure that Feyi was going to take him along but staying in a house where someone was used for ritual was really creepy. This gave Campbell sleepless nights. Wasn't Buchi a Christian? Fine, maybe he had a lot of issues controlling his sexual desires but Campbell could never have seen him as a ritualist, never. They went back to school a month later and it was a Friday again. He made up his mind to go to the station to see Buchi. He needed some answers from him.

He got there and have the porter a tip so he could be allowed to see Buchi privately. He sat in an empty room, waiting patiently. After a couple of minutes, the door opened and Buchi was dragged to his seat. He took a good look at him

"Why am I not surprised to see you here?" Buchi asked him as he sat down
"How are you? You don't look good" Campbell said
"I don't think that is why you are here,to check out how I look. You should have thought about that before handing me over to the police" Buchi said
"And what would you have done if you were in our shoes? What happened to you? How did you turn to ritual killing? We left you on your own for just three months, Buchi, three! You didn't go home. You said you didn't see the need of going back home and then we show up and you have take ritual killing already? What happened to waiting on God?" Campbell asked, close to tears
"I waited! I swear I waited for God and he was silent. He doesn't exist!" Buchi said

Campbell was shocked that all this was coming from Buchi

"I can't believe this is coming from you. You were the holiest of all three of us!" Campbell said
"And where did that get me? C'mon, because I was a Christian doesn't mean I was stupid. I knew how things were going on. I used to see the big boys in campus, driving expensive cars and using expensive phones. They didn't have to read to pass or call on God to pass. All they need to do is to pay one lecturer somewhere and then they are moving to the next class without a carry over"
"And why is that your business? I don't pay anybody so I can pass!" Campbell said to him
"That is you! You are a brilliant student, you always have been. Take a look at Feyi. Have you ever seen him read his books? Feyi would graduate with a first class or at least, a second class upper"
"Why should Feyi be your business? Most of the students that pay to pass would still need to look for jobs and that is where they would realize their mistakes" Campbell said
"Look for jobs? Can you even hear yourself? Some of them no need to dey look for jobs na, the job don dey look for them. Take Feyi for a perfect example. His dad is a politician. His mom runs a successful superstore. You think Feyi would ever work in his life?" Buchi asked
"Yes he will. Feyi is stupid rich and yet he is still into Yahoo and then he invests all his money into forex and Bitcoin. C'mon, okay. Let's say Feyi never works. You can't compare yourself to Feyi. You are not from the same background, you have different parents. You think your parents would be proud of you know? C'mon. You are from a christian home!"
"And so what? What has that even done for me? Where has that ever gotten me? Except from the head of fellowship, where else? God is just a myth and I should have accepted it earlier!" He said
"He isn't! If that is all I know about God, he is real and you can't blame him for this. This was your choice. It was your mistake and for what? Better grades? Girls? The latest cars and phones? You killed a person, Buchi! A whole human being. You didn't feel sorry, you were going to do it again. Can't you even see your mistake? When you got the first cash, what did you do with it? Buy an iphone 13. Seriously? The grades didn't seem important anymore? You had other priorities? If you have spent all your time reading, instead of casting out demons and praying for a revelation of the exam questions, you would have had better grades. So don't blame God or the financial status of your parents! Blame you! You are the only one to blame. Hope you are aware, the price to pay for death is death except by some miracle you get life imprisonment. Think about that and start to pray to whatever you believe in now" Campbell said as he got up

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