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She got into the car and they headed home for the day. She was visibly shaken and she didn't like the idea of going to their house where Buchi was but she couldn't protest. She knew she was safer with Feyi and Campbell than she was on campus so she agreed to whatever plans they had in mind. He pulled up at the apartment and carried her bags in. She entered the sitting room and noticed the same smell

"What on earth did you guys keep in this house?" She asked
"The smell had been there since I returned to the apartment" Campbell said
"It smells like something died in here" she said

It suddenly occured to her that something night have died in there

"What did you say happened to your course mate again?" Feyi asked
"I don't know. She wasn't seen or heard from again"
"Give me your phone!" He said to Fiyin

He collected her phone and dialed the emergency call line. They picked up immediately

"Good day, what is your emergency?" A woman asked
"Good evening, there is something in my roommate's room and I think it might be a dead body" Feyi said
"What address?" The woman asked

He gave her the full address of the apartment. It wasn't so hard to find. When he hung up, Buchi walked into the apartment. He looked at Fiyin and scoffed. He let out a little smile and winked at her. He brought out his phone from his pocket. It was the latest iPhone, the fourteen. Campbell looked at him in awe. Buchi was from a relatively struggling background. How could he afford the phone? A lot of questions ran through Campbell's mind and he got scared immediately. Wasn't Buchi supposed to be the christian in their midst? Was he now a ritualist?

"Yo, Buchi. There is this stench coming from your room. It is inconveniencing every other person in this apartment. Can you atleast clean up the room?" Feyi asked

Campbell looked at him, wondering how Feyi could still talk to him with all the accusations that faced him. He was probably acting like there was nothing going on so he doesn't throw him off balance. Buchi looked at Feyi

"Oh, so sorry. It is just some plates and pots that I left there over the holidays without washing. I would clean it up today" he said
"That would be very helpful. I have been looking for the charger of my laptop. Do you mind if I check your room?" He asked again
"What would I be doing with the charger of your laptop? I don't even have a laptop myself. I am not with your charger. Ask Campbell. He has a laptop" Buchi said defensively
"I already checked Campbell's room. It is not there. I am not accusing you of taking it. I might have dropped it somewhere or you might have packed it with other electronic appliances. I just want to take a look" Feyi said, still sounding as calm as ever
"You can't look inside my room, I'm sorry" he said
"And why not?" Fiyin asked
"Because it is my room. That is intrusion of privacy and I will not allow it. Have I ever come into anybody's room before? What is the meaning of all this? Bikonu, don't get me upset. There is not charger in my room. I didn't take anybody's property so everybody should leave me alone!" He said
"Why are you getting all defensive? He is just asking to take a look. What are you hiding?" Campbell asked
"Nothing, I just don't like anybody in my space. It is that simple. We created boundaries when we first moved here and we have respected those boundaries ever since. Let us continue in that manner for the good of everybody living in this house" Buchi said
"Is that a threat?" Feyi asked
"It is not a threat. It is a warning. I have not looked into anybody's room, neither have I invaded anybody privacy. I see no reason why it should be done to me, just because I'm Igbo" he said
"Nobody said anything about your tribe here. Stop talking off point. He is looking for his charger. When he asked to check my room too, I was upset because I didn't understand why he would be checking my room for something I already said I wasn't with. He made it sound like I was stealing from him but the charger is really expensive and if he can check my room, then he can check yours. I don't see what's wrong in that or why it is such a big deal" Campbell said
"Except you are actually with it. If you are, just go in and bring it out. I wouldn't get mad. It was probably a mistake. You took it in and forgot to bring it out. It can happen to anybody. There is no reason to get offended" Feyi said
"Are you both mad? I said I am not with it!" Buchi yelled at them
"Then why can't I check the room?" Feyi asked, already loosing his patience
"Because you just can't. I can't let you into my room. What is the meaning of this? I think this is the point where I pack my load and leave this house" Buchi said
"Then go ahead. I don't understand. Is that supposed to scare me?" Feyi said
"If you have nothing to hide, then let him check your room! It is not this big a deal. You are making it look like you have a dead body in there!" Fiyin said
"And what if I do?" He said back to her
"Then that would explain the foul smell that you claim to be plates and pots since last semester, wouldn't it?" Feyi said to him

Buchi laughed and went into his room. He came out immediately with a fetish looking knife. He pointed it at Fiyin and let out a soft laugh. He wasn't hiding it anymore. He was fetish and he was going to use all of them just so he could have everything he wanted

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