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"Hello?" She said
"Hey, sis. Good evening. How are you?" He asked
"I am not fine. What is going on at home? Mom called me and was crying about Carla. Is she okay?" Claire asked
"She is fine. Mom has called me too. It's Carla. Mom said she is pregnant or something like that" Campbell said
"Pregnant? For who? How?" Claire asked together
"I don't know. Mom wouldn't let the girl communicate. She was just screaming all through the call. I don't understand. Instead of her to calm down and talk to her, she was shouting at her and saying all sorts" Campbell said
"I don't understand. How can you expect her to calm down? What's wrong with you? Can you hear what you're saying? Calm down?" Claire said
"Would shouting at her remove the baby that is already there? Would it solve any problem? Mom has shouted at her and done God knows what to her. She should chill out and find out who is responsible. Carla is very stubborn. All the shouting would not make her talk. She needs to be reasoned with and we both know this" Campbell said
"Okay then, since you are the reasonable one, would you go home and talk to her?"
"From where? I am states away" he said
"And so? I would be home next weekend. You should be too. You should show up before mom kills her" Claire said
"I don't think mom would kill her and I would be home next weekend. I have tests through out next week. I would come home after the tests. If you can get there earlier then please do because the way mom was screaming over the phone is getting me worried" he said
"I would talk to her. Have you talked to your sister yet?" She asked
"Is she not your sister too? What is the meaning of have I talked to my sister?" Campbell asked
"I don't know because the Carla I know wouldn't get involved in this kind of mess, not to talk about getting pregnant. Who the hell is the father of the child?" Claire asked
"I don't know. I would probably ask her when I call her. I was going to call her before you called. I just think everybody should calm down and stop putting unnecessary pressure on this girl. The area isn't exactly an innocent one. It is only a matter of time before she hears something about an abortion and buys the idea" Campbell said
"She wouldn't dare. Mom would kill her before she gets the chance to pull through with her plans" his sister said
"Mom should just calm down. Let me talk to her and I would get back to you" Campbell said
"Good luck with that. I would be expecting a feedback from you tonight" she said
"Go to bed. It's Saturday tomorrow. I would call you tomorrow instead. It is almost midnight already" Campbell said
"Are you sure?" She asked
"I am. Besides, Carla might be asleep. All these drama can get really draining. She would need all the rest she can get" Campbell said
"If she can have sex, she can face the consequences of her actions" Claire said
"Esa rora. This girl is still a child. She is bound to make mistakes. It's not like our parents are around to train her or something" Campbell said
"That is not an excuse for this misdemeanor" Carla said
"Woman! Oya, it is time for you to go to bed. You are already doing way too much. I have to go. I still have to call Carla. Let me talk to her tonight and get that off my to-do list" Campbell said
"Yes sir. Goodnight" she said
"Make sure you get all the rest you need. Don't worry about this. It would fall in place soon" Campbell said

She hung up and he looked at his phone. He dialed Carla's number. She picked on the first ring

"Hey, how are you?" He asked
"I don't know. I'm not fine. I want to leave this house" she said, crying
"Well, you can't leave the house, that's one. Two, you should really stop crying. I can help you out but you have to be honest with me" he said
"What do you want to know?" She asked him
"Who the father of the baby is and why you didn't come to me first before mom found out!" He said to her
"Is that important now? She wouldn't even listen to me. I was raped!" She said as she burst out into tears
"By who?" He asked
"Your friend, Gabriel. He came after you left for school and I said you weren't home. When he forcefully entered, locked the door and raped me. I tried to tell mom that day and she she said she was too tired, that she just got back from work and all I can say is I want to talk to her about something" she said
"And the next day?" Campbell said
"I tried to tell her. She said she was already late to get to her store. That she would talk to me later in the night but she gave the same excuse she gave the previous day so I just let everything go" she explained
"Can you hang on till next week? I would be home by next week" he said
"Next week? Mom would have crucified me. She would have called down fire from heaven by next week. I don't think I can survive another day in this house" she said
"Is dad aware yet?" Campbell asked her
"Not yet. She has not told dad. I think she wants me to tell him myself" she said
"I would call Claire back tomorrow. She would come over this weekend and we can talk things out. She can protect you from mom long enough for me to finish up with school and come home for the week" he said
"Are you sure you would talk to her?" She asked, crying

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