Love Handles

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That week and a half of waiting went painstakingly slowly, mostly due to Henry. He only got fatter while she got even thinner. She dropped to her all time lowest high school weight of 103 and Henry gained weight, shooting up to 254. Casey cried herself to sleep every night, only staying semi-sane due to the reasoning of 'this is all for Ben.'

She was suffering through finals and more with her fat jock boyfriend getting more and more arrogant with each passing day. All Casey wanted was the freedom of fall break.

Little did she know, but Ben was waiting as well.

By all accounts, it was quite strange that Henry and Ben even became friends in the first place. Henry was a loud jock and Ben was a quiet nerd. Then Casey entered the picture and Ben grew sad that she picked Henry instead of him.

Now he saw how much she hated Henry, and he couldn't blame her. Unfortunately, she stayed with him because he was popular and she had no friends for all her years of high school.

He wasn't blind, though. He saw the way Casey looked at him, especially when he had gained weight and not gotten new clothes yet. He loved her and would love her even more if there was more of her.

He knew she knew that.

Finals week went remarkably quickly for Casey, especially since her finals were all complete by Tuesday and now she could taste victory. She was only three days from being free. Three days! As a bigger bonus, Henry left after his finals finished!

While Casey was daydreaming, Ben was drawing up his own plan for how to win her. The only problem was that for it to work, she needed to want to gain weight. He was 90% sure she did, but he had to go out on a limb to try his plan out. If it didn't work, he was screwed, but based on his observations it should work.

How would anyone find him attractive? He was over 270 pounds and still gaining, however unintentionally. Who would think a fat, lazy guy like him was hot? How would they explain it?

That Thursday, Casey worked up the courage to sit next to Ben at lunch.

"H-hi Ben. Mind if I sit here?"

"No, of course not."


Casey started breathing heavily while sitting so close to Ben.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah," she said breathlessly.

"Then, can I ask you a quick question?"


"Are you... do you... want me to bring you some leftovers from the restaurant I work at once your family leaves?"

"I don't think Henry would want me to gain any weight..."

"Listen," Ben whispered, "we both know that you really dislike Henry and only stay with him because if you broke it off you would lose all your friends."

"Yeah," Casey replied, still breathing heavily.

"I see the way you look at me, and you've seen the way I look at fat girls. I love you now, but I would love you even more if there was more of you to love."

"Lucky for you, then. As long as you don't lose a pound, I won't."

"I know what you want to do," Ben said, shifting towards Casey, "it's ok, you can do it."

Casey blushed and lifted Ben's sweatshirt, revealing his half-covered belly under his too small shirt. She slowly pulled up his shirt and placed her hand on his gut, breathing even more heavily and blushing.

Ben took his lunch off the table and held it so he could eat while Casey did whatever she wanted. She squeezed a big handful of fat and started to explore Ben's midsection with both hands.

"You're so much more attractive than Henry,"


"Yeah, I mean, have you seen him?"

Ben's belly shook when he laughed, only making Casey even more attracted to him.

Both of them didn't realize how fast the time was going by until the bell rang and Ben hadn't even finished his lunch. Casey hadn't eaten anything, but she was fine with that because she focused on Ben the whole time.

The rest of the day was incredibly quick for Casey, as she was excited to hang out with Ben after school. Ben met her right outside the school and took her to the restaurant he worked at, the American place three blocks down. She could have walked, but that would break the promise she made to Ben at lunch.

During the short drive, Ben tried to make small talk.

"Do you like savory or sweet food more?"

"Probably sweets, seeing how everyone else reacts to them."

"Wait you've never had anything sweet before?"

"I've had sweet food, just not sweets like everyone else. I haven't had anything like you probably have."

"Ok, no. I won't allow that. I was planning on something else, but I'm giving you a big sampler of all the desserts free of charge."

"Thanks so much!"

"I'm a fat boy, my job is to introduce people to good food, especially you!"

"I imagine that's a fun way to start gaining weight!"

"Much funner than my start, I just overate constantly without knowing it wasn't normal to feel sick after eating!"

"What do you like to eat?"

"Pretty much everything, but I love richer and heavier food."

Casey giggled.

"Of course, I wouldn't have guessed!"

She patted his gut and laughed.

"This is also stereotypical, but I don't like raw veggies."

"Does anyone really like them?"

"That's weird, I only ever see you eat raw veggies."

"I don't like them at all! I want to try the food you eat, I would put money on the guess that I'll enjoy it!"

"I mean, I may be biased," Ben said, keeping down a laugh, "but I'd say that's a safe guess!"

"Oh, stop."

They pulled into the restaurant and Ben heaved himself out of the driver's seat. Casey couldn't help but watch as his body jiggled about and Ben noticed her watching and laughed.

"Come on, girl, you can't sit there and gawk all day."

"You're right, but you're just too attractive!"

"Quit doing that, you'll make me blush!"

"Come on, let's get something to eat."

Casey smiled and got out, letting Ben take her inside. She was nervous to try anything but knew Ben wasn't going to do anything like Henry did.


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